


8 months, 30 days ago


Oberyn the guild's tank. (Wife- Elaine Mora)

A Attunementless, silentheart, Tank. A spear and shield wielding centurion, braising this golden attire. Born of the legion and forged by the legion, though his exact birth was never mentioned. He was destined to die as a Legion, until he had met Elaine Mora who had showed him a life outside those walls, and showed him what true living could be. That was when he joined the Crescent Moon Guild, he is a good man, loves a challenged. With an unmatched drive, he doesn't stop until he has achieved his goals. He greatly values efficiency and can be impatient.  

Elaine Mora is a very smart and gentle, described as beautiful and is looked up to by members of the guild. Kind of her subordinates and looks after them in a motherly fashion. Elaine is a woman who is both dutiful and complex in many ways, she has fitted the speciation of her position, "Family, Duty and Honor." But she often found her odds with these words. She is a loving mother, and her maternal disposition influenced much of what she did. Elaine is a very capable of being intelligent, as evidence during the audition of Oberyns leaving at his post to the Legion. She was to a great extent, a peaceful woman. 

Voice: Oberyn Martell