Ion (Minecraft AU)



1 month, 24 days ago



  • full nameIon

  • speciesFeline

  • height5'8"

  • genderGenderfluid

  • sexualityPansexual

  • job/roleResource Gatherer

When Ion first arrived in the Overbeach realm, they were quite normal, if not a little on the weaker side. They had a rough time fending for themself and frequently died. However, they encountered two wolves on the journey to their current home, and from there they started a very dangerous wolf army known as the "Yellow Canine Army". The wolves live together in a large base. Along with the many wolves in their army, Ion has two other wolves (Sparky and Joe), a cat (cookie), a parrot (Composition Notebook), and various unnamed horses. They are almost always holding bones when not in combat or harvesting resources.

Ion is well-known for being an on-sight killer when it comes to most farm animals (excluding horses, donkeys, and mules). Once their partner started leaving to go on trips more often, they took up the supposed "hobby" of murdering large amounts of animals per day. They are slightly less willing to fight nighttime mobs. Ion prefers to eat mutton and porkchops and despises beef because they believe that beef is too "expensive" for them.

Ion built the house that they and their partner currently live in. They also made a few bridges in the Nether a bit safer to run on, though they were made of netherrack and therefore keep getting blown up by Ghasts. Their partner works on repairing broken pieces with cobblestone when possible.

Being a resource hunter, Ion can and will get what they need. However, they prioritize finding what their partner needs first, whether it be feathers, rotten flesh, or raw mutton. Occasionally, their partner will give them a small gift - which Ion treasures greatly and puts in the personal chest above the couple's bed. Ion and their partner have had an encounter with a Warden before, so Ion listened to their partner's instructions with as much precision as possible to escape. Whenever they do see their partner, they immediately greet them (and maybe joke around with them, too).






Once a calm individual, Ion has strange tendencies in the present. They tried to take a camel through the Nether (and failed). They call mobs strange names (wool-covered beast, malnourished bag of bones, and so on). They refused to use a shield for the longest time.

Ion is extremely protective over their pets and partner. They become wary whenever another player is near them. However, they try to keep their partner in-check as their partner is known to steal potatoes.


  • Killing
  • Wolves
  • Yellow


  • Water
  • Creepers
  • Copper