Edmund Eventone



8 months, 27 days ago


[this bio may be disingenuous given the fact Edmund is a hard man to get a straight answer from. Below I've recorded the facts as far as he's willing to say]

Age: mysterious unknown (34 or something)

Height: 6'2

Gender: Male

Personality: oooooo mysterious unknown. The best one

Edmund Eventone is a traveling minstrel. He hails from a country outside of Glishirn, further South. He's been about a lot, done a bunch of things. Ran away from home at ten and joined a wandering band for several years that taught him valuable life lessons. Ditched them and went out on his own only to find himself drafted into the war. Got sick of military and thought it'd be more interesting to become a runaway soldier. Successful fleed to a different country only to commit different crimes. 

Went through life's ups and downs and then found himself in Glishirn. Got hired to write epics about the amazing hero of Glishirn. Aithus the prophesied hero. Was totally ready to rip into this guy only to find out is was one stressed out kid. Proceeds to heckle him anyway but also be a free babysitter.

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