Flynn (Anathema)



7 months, 3 days ago


  • Flynn

  • pronouns She/Her
  • species Equine
  • background Order Mage
  • occupation Monster Hunter
  • age 26
  • height 15 hands

"Happy to see me?"

Part traveling hunter, part guardian, more-than-part hellion, Flynn is welcomed to the small towns she protects on her circuit around the kingdom with both joy and despair. Joy because she'll solve their most dangerous problems. Despair because she'll upset everyone's quiet routine with great enthusiasm. The dominant reaction often hinges on whether or not the town is under immediate threat, as her value as extremely competent protection who demands only what a town can afford is undeniable. It also depends on whether or not the town has a sense of humor. Those that don't are quicker to send her on her way, laden with supplies and an over-the-shoulder promise (or threat, depending on who you talk to) that she'll be back next year.


  • Responds to threats with violence
  • Responds to arrogance with wickedness
  • Responds to wickedness with enthusiastic cooperation

"Vibrant" is an oft-used word to describe Flynn. "Obnoxious" is another. As an extrovert stuck traveling alone, the villages in her circuit can expect a perpetually attention-starved, city-turned-country girl desperate for socialization to swoop in and beg for someone to notice her until anyone gives in. As she makes herself difficult to ignore, it never takes long. People under 40 tend to be more fond of her excitement and disruption, while the older crowd ranges from indulgent enablement to bare-minimum tolerance.



The trouble with small towns is that everyone knows your business. When everyone knows your business, it's only a matter of time before it reaches people you'd really rather it didn't. Flynn's business, for instance, included awakening magical talent, which reached Namarast in record time. By her sixth birthday, the small town of Highweave became little more than the place she once called "home."

Namarast was perfect and perfectly suffocating in turns. Political games were an entertaining pastime until they really weren't. Fierce rivalries with baby battlemages lost their fire in sanitized practice fields with watchful supervisors. More responsibility that made very little difference. Less credit where credit was due. Mage Protector on the not-so-distant horizon, where the only acceptable answer was, "As you command." Quiet moments of clarity about her carefully railroaded life were desperately ignored, then ruthlessly crushed. She would be happy here, damn it. She would make this work. Everything was fine, fine, fine.


Three days after earning her enchanter mark and choking on the implications that followed, she packed a bag and chose a road that would take her far from Namarast and farther. It led to a little hamlet called Fehr, under attack with no hope of rescue. Fehr taught her it wasn't an aversion to felling monsters that plagued her, but the Mage Protector leash that came with it. After nearly two decades of tests and intrigue, she could finally breathe in the comforting simplicity of "see monster, kill monster, get paid." And really, what was the point of a battlemage with no battle?

Too few targets for too many hunters in the outskirts of any major city pushed her deep into the wilds, through other towns that had no map presence or protection. Sentimental creature that she was (never to be admitted out loud), she made her own map, slowly building a circuit around the kingdom for these people who had very little to offer but warm food, free beds, and good company. When she found herself at the crystalline mouth of the Cursed Road, she took it back to Highweave, the only place she ever wanted to call "home" again.

Today, she still travels that circuit, checking in on the places that might need her most every year or so, and she religioiusly sticks to it to keep herself (relatively) easy to find in case of emergency. Highweave serves as her start/end point, where she'll spend a few weeks upgrading equipment in Faline and indulging in some much-needed downtime.



Power 2


Cost 3


Force magic basically functions as a magical baseball bat, where anything Flynn's magic impacts is sent flying. Useful for launching projectiles at enemies. Alternatively, she can skip the projectiles and just launch the enemies, if they're smaller than deer. It also makes a quick-and-dirty shield in that she can bounce attacking enemies away for subsequent destruction.

An extra second of focus allows her to shape her magic and destroy targets in new and exciting ways. Currently, she can turn her baseball bat into a sword by compressing her magic into a wicked edge with decent consistency, even under duress. Less consistently, she can shape it into a point for a force arrow, but she doesn't trust her skill or aim enough to use it in active combat yet.


  • Magic use fatigues the caster. (1)
  • Magic use is painful for the caster. (2)

Flynn's fighting style depends on how target-rich her environment is. She vastly prefers large, solitary enemies that she can handle with explosively violent surprise attacks and overwhelming follow-up aggression to end fights before they even begin. That said, this method of approach will leave her in the dirt with near-screaming pain, limiting viability to protecting towns full of people who can collect her in the aftermath. Otherwise, she has to rely on more precise tactics that meter the pain and exhaustion to a somewhat-manageable build in hopes of staying on her feet long enough to both win the fight and find somewhere safe to recover afterwards.


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