Basic Info


Bunny Hightopp






Alice was found by a younger, but still grumpy Tarrant Hightopp, also known as the Mad Hatter, in the waste ridden plains of Wonderland, and raised her as his own. Along with her, to his surprise, was a white-rabbit "thing", as he described it, that guarded her. Eventually when she reached around 3, she appropriately named the creature "Mr. Rabbit", fitting indeed. Bunny grew into a curious and joyful soul, with the thrill of adventure. She's seen her father's photos of the old world, and it looked so cool! But much to her dismay, her Father refused to take her there, always saying "It's not the same" or "Maybe when you're older". But the old Hatter could only keep his rebellious daughter contained for so long, as eventually, with her giant Axe she crafted from her Father's spare parts from his inventions, journeyed out with Mr. Rabbit to explore and scavenge. Tarrant was worried, annoyed even that he was disobeyed, but hoped that Mr. Rabbit protected his little girl- even though he knew she could defend herself.


Bunny is a 5'4 17 year old girl, with a short blue-ish black hairstyle, along with a headband that resembles bunny ears. She has a spiked shoulder pad that was always a little too big for her, a blue croptop, blue ripped denim jeans with a worn belt and buckle, knee pads, and worn down combat boots. Along with her she carries a satchel filled with neccesatities, like water, snacks, a gas mask, med kid, and a flare, incase of emergencies. Strapped to her back was a large battle axe, her first creation, who she named "Dinah". She's quite fit, but has scars and tanned arms from the heat of the sun above her.