Demokritos Nikitas



8 years, 6 months ago




Name Demokritos Nikitas
Age 17 (05/16)
Gender AMAB Male (he/him)
Race European (Greek)


Dem is fairly easy-going, and he prefers to look on the bright side of life. He's never overly serious, and takes great joy in life: he loves experiencing new things, meeting new people, and he is immensely curious about just about everything. He's a hard worker and although he tends to relax and slack off when he can, he knows when he needs to be serious and get some work done. He's very responsible, especially compared to other kids his age; he finds it hard to connect with people his own age, and can act a bit too mature.

After living his early life moving from place to place with only his family as any close connections, Dem struggles with fully trusting anyone and he deals with some separation anxiety when his family is concerned. Thanks to his early years being a little rough, he believes that he's 'above' the silly things that kids his age do and likes to be seen as older than his actual years which can result in him acting a bit pretentious despite having no negative intentions. In reality, his sister has babied him so much that it is sometimes the opposite; while he is wildly intelligent, he's also prone to dramatics when he doesn't get what he wants.


  • coffee
  • cooking
  • preppy fashion
  • cycling


  • getting in trouble
  • being alone
  • bright colors
  • birds



Dem's early life was ruled by the fact his family had little to no money. His family was small with only his mother, father and his older sister, but they were very close. They didn't have much money growing up, as Dem's mother was unable to work and his father was the only one bringing in any income.

When Dem was 8, his father would leave very suddenly. They wouldn't ever hear from him again, and within a few months their even smaller family was on the streets. His mother worked when she could but it was never enough to get their lives kick-started again. In order to not have her children taken away from her, Dem's mother made the family travel relatively often, going from city to city and from shelter to shelter. It was looking hopeless that they would ever have an ordinary life again, and a roof over their heads, when Dem was approached to become a magical soldier at the age of 14. His sister was offered the opportunity as well and rather than have Dem in danger, she would become a magical soldier, refusing to allow Dem to contract. Once Aune had accepted the contract their family received shelter and an 'ordinary' life.

Dem lives in a very nice house with his mother and his sister. He spends most of his time at school or with friends, unburdened by the responsibilities that have fallen on his sister's shoulders.


  • He usually smells like fresh fabric softener.


Aune  [ sister ]


Eli  [ friend ]


Poppy  [ friend ]


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