


8 months, 8 days ago


Don’t let his avatar fool you he’s a major asshole.

Name: Aurelius Rensselaer

Alias: Too many to count

Age: 1000+

Gender: Cis male

Pronouns: He/Him

Sexuality: Bisexual

Occupation: He’s rich as fuck he doesn’t need to work

Species: Vampire Deer

Personality: Mega asshole. This is a horrible horrible guy who lives only to kill and make other people’s lives harder. He kills indiscriminately, man woman and child, and gives zero fucks about his victims. There is a point in time where he starts killing nobles, but purely because he wants to use them as another stepping stone to power, and he kills everyone in the vicinity no matter their innocence.

Medieval peasant turned vampire 


Getting Turned/first centuries as a vampire: 1000-1300

He was turned into a vampire during the early 11th century. He was toiling away on the farm as any peasant at the time would, and the next thing he knew he woke up with a splitting headache and a insatiable hunger. 

For the next three hundred years, life was astoundingly easy for him. No longer had he to ensure the toils of a hardworking life and the hunger pains from poorly-yielding crops, now all he had to do was attack some poor schmuck and be on his way.

He lived life on the lamb, sleeping in farms and exploring the world. He travelled all over Europe and Asia, eating when he pleased and always avoiding the authorities. At that time, “hunters”— assuming there even were any— weren’t nearly as capable of tracking down vampires as they were in modern times, so all he had to do was move around and he was fine.

Black Death/rise to power: 1300-1500

The first hiccup came in the form of the Black Plague. Though he had no need for food or drink, and no fear of catching the disease, he could not eat from those who’d caught it. His body would simply… purge the blood from its system, and he’d be left feeling more hungry than before.

It was at that point that he went from killing singular people for food to eviscerating entire families. He’d gorge himself and hide out in their home, only leaving when he was either found out, or he’d grown hungry again. Their scrawny bodies never fed him for long, so he was always just so… insatiable. 

Everything changed when he’d managed to infiltrate himself into a house owned by a noble. With everyone panicking over the disease, no one noticed as he slaughtered everyone inside, and stole everything valuable he could carry with him. 

That was just how he went about things for as long as the plague lasted. Find a house belonging to someone rich, kill everyone inside, steal all of their shit, rinse and repeat. By the time the plague was over and people were finally starting to recover from the aftermath, he was filthy. Fucking. Rich.

After the plague settled down, so did he. With his newly acquired riches, he found a plot of land to settle down on.

He had it easy for another couple of centuries. He’d learned enough through his three hundred years of traveling around that he knew what was worthwhile in terms of making money, and knew how to streamline the process. 

He bought the largest house money could buy at the time, and had servants take care of the rest. Made eating easier, too. In a time like that, no one would care if a poor man or two went missing.

Seclusion/moving out of Europe: 1500-1700

It was in the 1500s-1700s range that things started to get more… difficult. 

There was more of a justice system now. If he took too much, people would start to notice.

Just like his first kill, making scapegoats came as instinct. 

He’d never made another vampire before, but the way it happened just… flowed so naturally. 

He started traveling then, too. Traveling in ways only a rich man could. He’d stay in some place for a few months, then make a scapegoat whenever he wanted to leave. It wasn’t… the best plan, but he refused to leave the land he’d claimed for himself and leaving someone to martyr just seemed like the easiest solution. 

Incident with Neon/near-death experience: Early 1700’s

Then he incident with Neon happened, and he nearly got caught, just like that.

He didn’t understand. He’d turned her, he knew that much to be true, and the broken and bloodless body she’d left behind was the telltale sign of a newly-turned vampire. Yet when the authorities came sniffing around, she was nowhere to be seen.

All eyes turned to him then, the odd stranger in their midst. He couldn’t go anywhere without a few stares following him around. He hadn’t— he hadn’t planned to leave so quickly, he’d never even had to worry before.

In his first time feeling fear since centuries ago, he got sloppy, and nearly met his end by a hunter’s hand. Wooden stake and blessed water, the whole shebang. 

(I should note that in this universe, blessed water has no ties to Christianity. It’s more loosely tied to “good luck” and miscellaneous blessings, the act of asking something for help and something unknown answering back.)

He had the fight of his life then. It nearly killed him. Charmed water burns, and the burns never heal. Not even in his immortal life. He secured himself a few nasty patches of shiny pink skin, but in the end, he won.

And no matter how hard he tried, he just couldn’t get Neon out of his head.

How… DARE she, *how dare she*! Her flighty escape had nearly gotten him killed, his body forever marred by the struggle, and she just— she just. Got away?

He tried to forget about her. Tried to forget about her for one hundred years. 

But he was always an obsessive man, and as disbelief grew to hatred grew to rage, he knew he had to kill her.

It’s hard, tracking someone across a country. He didn’t know until later that she’d fled Europe all the way to America. But eventually…

Current: 1700-2000

He got a lead.