
8 months, 12 days ago



Called "The White Doe"

Gender Female

Pronouns She/Her

Age 1000+

Race Fawn Fairy

Role Unknown

Theme Great Fairy Fountain

HTML Pinky


Fayette is a very withdrawn individual, much prefering to stay out in nature rather than set foot in Fontaine. Her spot of choice is the spring she was born at in the mountains (The same one Neuvillette is known to source his water at, much to her frustration). She is known to be very sweet though, very much enjoying the company of the Melusine's since they share many physical attributes she consider's them part of her family (as they consider her the ideal version of a "Mother" and there are very few "Fawn Fairy's" left in Teyvat) She is also very a Calm and Clear-Headed individual and is Gentle by nature. She is also known to be incredibly honest (sometimes a little too honest) and tends to be humble.

Back during the time of the first Hydro Archon, Fawn Fairy's were very numerous in number as they served under their leader Oberon, however a falling out occured between them and the Hydro Archon, leaving very few left in Teyvat.


Height 4ft 8in

Build Lithe/Graceful

Eyes Blue with Orange Speckles

Skin Tone Light skinned, With Water like Scar's

Hair Color White + Blue Ombre

Hair Style Long Curly Hair

Demeanor Fayette is usually a quiet individual

Fun Facts

  • Fayette's name tranlates to "Little Fairy"
  • Much of her desgin was based on Esmerelda from the Hunchback of Notre Dame
  • She prefers Gold to Silver, due to being unsure if Silver holds similar properties to Iron
  • She Also has an almost lion like tail due to being part of the "Fairy" category of Teyvats inhabitants...most people will look at it oddly.


Friendly Reserved
Polite Blunt
Clever Foolish
Sensitive Tough
Brave Timid
Careful Reckless
Sincere Deceptive
Diligent Lazy
Calm Irritable
Humorous Serious


Like 1

Long Walks throughout all of Fontaine, however her Favorite place is in the Beryl Region

Like 2

Berries. Fayette's favorite snack is any various amounts of berries, especially the sweet kind

Like 3

The Melusine. She consider's them like her own children and would do anything for them

Like 4

Fayette has an afinity for Shiny golden things surpisingly...this is due to Egeria giving her gifts of a similar nature and she has collected them ever since


Dislike 1

IRON, something that every Fae despises, touching it burns her skin

Dislike 2

Overly sweet things, while she likes berries, anything of a cake creme variety she will not touch

Dislike 3

Overly Crowded places, this is the reason she will not set foot in the busier places of Fontaine, due to disliking the noise and the abundance of people

Dislike 4

Full Moons, while this is due to her curse, which hasn't affected her since Egeria's time, the sight of it still causes unpleasant feelings



Polearm Wielder

Fayette is skilled with a Polearm, using them to preform a variety of water based attack's, her attacks leave lasting damage

Hydro Vision

She doesn't like to talk about her Vision often, especially since she is the Only Fawn Fairy to have one after, the "incident". While most Fawn Fairy's are able to tap into Teyvat's element's naturally, since her curse, the Vision is more like a crutch for her

Regular E Attack

This Skill allows her to jump incredibly high and come crashing down with her Polearm, allowing a wave of water to push enemies back

Special Attack

While this is her more powerful attack, she often has to tap into "The Curse" where in she grows a pair of Water like Deer Horns, which up her attack for a limited amount of time, and does considerbly high Hydro Damage


Fayette gave her alliegence to the first Hydro Archon Egeria over Oberon, whom in turn, unjustly punished her, causing her current state of appearance and curse....Fayette once ravaged and destoryed some parts of Fonatine after being turned into "The White Doe" a giant Deer like creature, however Egeria interviened and found a way to turn Fayette to the appearance she has today, however the fear of turning back into "The Beast" is what keeps Fayette isolated from the rest of Fontaine.

Story 1: Oberon

Fayette's story began with the leader of the Fawn Fairie's, Oberon, during a time before the Cataclysm saught to bring all the "Fairy" people of teyvat together under one leader, his rule, to which in many way's he was succeding. Fayette at the time had little to no interest in this, and often times would wander off, mostly into the realm of "man" aka Fontaine, where in turn she met the young goddess Egeria who was establishing Fontaine at the time. The two spent a lot of time together and enjoyed each other's company thoroughly. Oberon upon hearing word of this, was furious that Fayette would wander into Fontaine, and as such would try to keep her in the domain of the "Fairies". However, time and time again she would escape and leave to see Egeria, to which Oberon took drastic measure's then. Hoping to break apart Egeria and Fayette he cursed Fayette into the form of a giant White Doe for her alligence to Egeria. The Doe would go on to trample and destory much of the land, but Egeria knew not of what happened to Fayette, when she confronted the Beast, she had throughly injured it, causing Fayette to revert back to her normal form, With Fayette throughly injured Egeria feared she might not make it through the night. And Once Fayette had told her what happened, Egeria was going to get justice then as she realized Fayette had been framed and forced to do the crimes she had commited against Fonatine Egeria went and confronted Oberon, and the two clashed, where Egeria came out the victor...and the Fawn Fairy's that were of his alliegence were no more....and Fayette, had recovered from her injuries, her limbs having miraculously used the water to reform...however her appearance was forever scared...and her once red hair, was stained white from then on

Story 2: Melusine

With Egeria long since gone from the events of the Cataclysm, much to Fayette's disheartened state, she didn't travel back into the city of Fonatine often then...and with a few centuries passing, the only person who would sometimes come to her company was Neuvillette, who came to the spring to get water, and catch up, she was lonely, the loss of both Egeria and her people left her with a cavern in her heart. And more often than not when Neuvilette did visit, it would rain.

However one fateful day Neuvillette had brought two of the Melusine's with him to which Fayette seemed incredibly interested in the girls since they looked so Fawn like in appearance, and she grew to love their company, now-a-days the only reason she goes remotely close to the town is to visit the Melusine. And for whatever reason, the Melusine have been trying to get Neuvillette and her together for quite some time now, althought their attemtps so far have been unsucessful





Love Interest/Co-Parent

While initially they didn't have much on an interest in one another, their shared love of water and the Melusine has them very well acquainted. The Melusine convince Fayette to visit town and in turn they somehow manage to get Neuvillette and Fayette to run into each other Every. Time. and the two are completely oblivious of this. However, Neuvillette consider's her in high regard and appriciate's her honest nature. Fayette has never lied to him.

"You...want to know about Fayette? She is a very gentle soul, and the Melusine are quite taken with her! I often run into her out in the Beryl Region, she's a bit reclusive and timid by her nature....its been awhile since she has been to the city....mayhaps I should visit her again" -Neuvillette

The Melusine


Ever since Neuvillette introduced Fayette to the Melusines she consider's them like her own children, and has been visiting Fontaine much more frequently in order to visit them. She even keeps all of the gifts they give her.

"Fayette!! She is incredibly nice to all us Melusine! We don't get to see her often but her kindness is incredibly inspiring! She also looks a bit like us don't you think!!!" -Aeval


Egeria (Previous Hydro Archon)

Previous Love/ Deceased

Fayette deeply loved Egeria, the two having been together for a long time before she eventually died in the Cataclysm, to which Fayette mourned for at least 200 years in regards to loosing her. She has however moved on and is building a new life that Egeria would want her to have.