🌐 WEB 🌐



8 months, 17 days ago


bitizen who came from a trojan horse virus disguised as a shimeji desktop pet; similar to virus but by a different creator (and much less graphic).

web's creator is not the same person who actually owns web as a character in the real world - the creator of the trojan horse had stolen a pre-teen's oc and art to make the sprites. the same kid also made nuke, but nuke's design was never stolen and he formed as their creation.

when word got around that there was a horrific, malware-infected "desktop buddy" that was targeting mainly queer people, a new individual became.. inspired. having similar motives to steal information, they searched around for an avatar with enough art to use for sprites, not wanting to bother making something themself. web was eventually found, seeming perfect for a few reasons: it was very obscure, there was tons of art, and they felt that the happier and more colorful looking character would be unsuspecting to people still worried about zain.

when installed, this virus would let the creator have access to personal information, similar to the inspiration, but it wouldnt be shared around. the person who made the virus would just use it for personal gain, such as with bank or card details, thieving the money. people who were affected would find out soon that their cards and such were being compromised, but they had no clue that it was connected to the innocent looking digital pet that was previously downloaded; not yet, at least. eventually, though, as more cases popped up, it was noticed that each victim had installed web, and the creator was soon found out.

in the middle of all of this, web had formed. it wasnt yet known that web was virus-based, this being before the real world found out, and web wasnt even aware gifself; so web was treated without stigmatization, for now. the first bitizen to find gif was pepsi, a similarly colorful feline. pepsi was excited to find another sparklefur, quickly becoming friends with the newbie and showing it around. this whole time, web actually didnt have a name, any preferred pronouns, etc., only having been referred to by a description of appearance when listed for download. after some help from pepsi, web decided on the name.. well, "web", as well as it/its pronouns (adding gif/gifs later on). pepsi gladly supported this, continuing on with explaining the new world web was now going to live in.

before long, though, word spread that web was actually a virus-based bitizen, and others soon became avoidant of gif. pepsi, however, trusted web, not wanting to abandon it, especially since he was kind of gif's only friend at the moment. he knew web was harmless and didnt really believe in being afraid of viruses in the first place, not ever understanding the negativity around where someone forms from. codeformed bitizens actually faced some unfair treatment, too, and while it wasnt viewed as bad as being virus-based, pepsi still kept that a secret from most people. wanting to help web have someone to (at least partially) relate to, though, pepsi shared that part of himself with web, and it was appreciated.

theres still More to write but this is getting long again so ill leave it there LOL

tl;dr: another trojan horse disguised as a furry desktop pet is also stealing personal info. becomes sentient and makes a friend who stays with gif. (unwritten and not sure how i feel about it yet so i might remove this: eventually helps other trojan horse shimeji reform himself)