Hatred Fernàndez



5 years, 11 months ago


hatred Fernàndez the demon-rose wolf

After her mother's death, her father, Diablo, decides to leave her with a single foster father, Romeo, who has also a son, Felix. She was still a baby and never knew the truth, but grew up with the idea that they were her family. But her father never abandoned her, on the contrary, he often went to see her, protected her and stood near her from afar (just like her sister Love). Until 18 years old, Hatred stays with her family and then she decide to move alone with the desire of searching her sister: but at the same time she has a crisis because she feels useless for not having a job so she decide to cut and dye her hair making them blonde and then she became a stripper. After a couple of months she meet Ryuga, he was a drug seller and she helped him because her boss asked her to do it: after a year and half Hatred began to trust him and then she tells him that she's searching for her young sister, after hearing that, Ryuga decide to gladly help her. One day, while the two were searching Love, Ryuga saw Derek with Annabelle and he tells Hatred that guy is the one who was with Love in highschool. After earing that, Hatred goes near him and when she ask about Love, Derek began to say mean things about her and then, Hatred snap, so she began to punch and curse him until he's so scared that he runs away. After this incident the two began to search the lost sister until they found her at Love's university entrance.

  • DoB: 15/09
  • Height: 1.70
  • Zodiac Sign: Sagittarius
  • Nicknames: /
  • Origin: English | Japanese | Spanish
-"I'm a badass, I'm ambitious, I know exactly what I want to do and want to be. If these qualities make me an asshole, let me be."-


  • Weapons
  • Drawing jewelers
  • Bitter chocolate
  • Coffee


  • Unfair situations
  • Fake people
  • Lies

Character: very badass, she's sweet but only with people she know and she trust. She's also a very extrovert and malice girl.

Powers: the color of her essence is red, able to control nature through black roses (one appears in her right eye), black magic.

Capital sin: Demon of Luxury.

Curiosity: her favorite desserts are parfait and tiramisù but she also likes coffee a lot. With her lover she doesn't mind covering both roles (top or bottom) and she like BDSM.


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