Sammy Blaze



11 months, 24 days ago


name: Sammy Blaze, birth name is Samuel burns 

Age: 39 (1986) 

Date of Birth: 1947 

Nationality: English

Height: 5'10  

Place of birth: London england


Sammy is a famous heavy metal and shock rock singer, he has been involved in the music scene since early 70s he once was the frontman of a hard rock band with a cult following  however he was fired due to his heavy drug and alcohol addiction issues, he moved on to become a solo artist releasing his first solo record in 1979 which becomes a hit pretty fast not only because he had fans from his previous work but he also puts on an entertaining stage show now as he has reinvented himself as a shock rocker, slitting women's throats on stage, throwing raw meat, pouring blood over the audience and other crazy things, by the mid 80s he became a household name being one of the biggest rock and metal performers in the world this of course came with negative attention as well, many religious groups have protested against him saying he is satanic and causing harm to the youth just as many metal musicians were accused of at the time, this obviously is far from the truth as Sammy simply is just playing a character on stage as an entertainer, off stage he is actually a very down to earth gentle natured man who loves his family and fans. Sammy had not the best childhood  his parents were rather abusive towards him and not very loving, he got bullied at school for being "weird" and to top it all off the first woman he fell in love with and the mother of his child passed away young causing him to feel heartbreak this could be why he turned to alcohol so much and became addicted he eventually seeks help to end it for the sake of his health and not wanting to hurt those close to him, his sexuality is unknown Vinnie Chaos gets a crush on him, but he's not sure if he would like him back since he was with a woman before lol most likely he's not entirely straight since none of my characters are. xD.



Lisa is Sammy's 5 year old daughter, her mother has passed away a month after she was born so she is under the care of Sammy and nannies, much to the shock of those who believe Sammy to be a devil worshipping psychopath he becomes a soft mush around his child so much so to the point of her being able to manipulate him when she wants to, she is his biggest soft spot and he finds it hard to ever say no to her, in his eyes she does no wrong he loves his little girl so much to the point that she is very spoiled and indulged this may be because of his poor childhood, he makes it a priority that his daughter is happy and feels loved , Lisa seems very much like the typical spoiled brat at times but her love for her father is genuine despite the fact she knows she has him wrapped around her finger, she adores him and always misses him when he's touring, Sammy does often bring her on tour to so they don't have to be apart for far too long but she usually can't go on the full tour normally she travels with him to a few different cities , but gets sent home again after 2 months or so to so she can still go to school and spend time with her friends, she always wants her fathers attention when he's around and can even be abit possessive of him he truly is her favorite person in the world . Lisa is aware of her father being an alcoholic, she has seen him drunk, if he's being the fun drunk she feels okay around him but when he's an angry drunk she feels very afraid and will cry running to hide from him, when Sammy is fully drunk like this he does not have much awareness of the others around him but once the alcohol wares off or if he hears about his behavior the next morning he feels extreme guilt for having his daughter see him that way and will apologize ,Lisa does understand after awhile that her dad is not himself when he's drunk, fear of hurting his daughter is one of the main reasons Sammy decides to seek help. 

Vinnie Chaos  

Vinnie Chaos becomes a friend of Sammy's after his band goes on tour with him as an opening act, Vinnie is overjoyed and excited that he gets to open for someone that he's always been a fan of, he feels intimidated at first around Sammy but quickly sees that Sammy is a very nice guy they end up getting along very well and have all sorts of fun together they often joke about being long lost brothers due to the two of them looking somewhat similar in physical appearance Sammy nicknamed Vinnie as his "swede brother" he also takes on abit of a mentor role towards Vinnie due to the fact that he's more experienced in the music scene and quite older than him . Vinnie does develop a crush on Sammy but he has no idea if his feelings would be returned especially because he's not sure if Sammy even likes guys at all so he feels afraid to express his feelings.


Sammy is a man of average height and build with blue eyes, he has pale skin and long hair his natural color was brown but he has chosen to bleach it blonde with a black streak on the side at front his long hair is cut with layers and bangs just as many musicians had at the time he teases the layers up when performing, he wears heavy black eye makeup on stage with two thick black lines painted on his cheek he wears leather and studs very often, as well as ripped fishnet tops, offstage his appearance is more tame he takes the makeup off and may choose to wear more "regular" looking clothes 


Sammy plays a wild sadistic man on stage, but in real life he is very down to earth and humble, he's grateful for his fans and never let fame go to his head too much, he can be described as kind natured, gentle and loving towards those that are close to him, if you are someone he cares for you have a strong place in his heart, he loves strongly and is loyal to his family and friends however ever since his teens Sammy has had an addiction problem, his personality can change at times if he is drunk sometimes he can just be a fun drunk, an emotional drunk or he could become moody, and easily provoked being an angry drunk, the angry drunk side is not a side of Sammy that anyone wants to be around, he can become scary like this when this happens Sammy often does not remember what he did unless someone tells him , making him almost like a mr jekyll and mr hyde like character he is aware of his problem and does eventually seek help by attending rehab but it takes time for him to truly recover,