

11 months, 25 days ago




General Information







  • The Center of Ermensinde
  • The Ever-Changing City



New Diamanda is the consumerist capital of the planet Velika. It’s located at the largest Ermensinde rift, allowing the city to thrive off of tourism from other universes, hence the title “The Center of Ermensinde”. The city thrives off of Almacrux and the power of magic, as seen by the various diamond pillars stationed all over the city that provide power to the city. New Diamanda is a popular tourist destination in Ermensinde, filled to the brim with places for people to explore, entertainment at every corner, and delicious but quick cuisine. It is a literal tourist trap, seeing as the entire city is a labryinth that entices people to stay and spend money. The passage of time does not exist in New Diamanda.

The City Layout


The city is compact, building itself upwards rather than spreading out. The upper layer of the city is where most of the city’s travel takes place. There are skyscrapers all over the city that house skytrain stations. The Skytrain is a hovering train system that takes people all around the city at a quick pace. There are also skytaxis, which many use if they’d prefer a more private experience. However, once you exit the upper layer of the city, you will be greeted by the sight of a bustling, colorful metropolis.

New Diamanda optimizes every single centimeter it has, creating winding paths through buildings and streets packed with vendors. Despite how compact New Diamanda is, the city is very colorful and fun to walk around. Since the sky is purple, the atmosphere during the “daytime” is dimly lit, so the city is always lit with neon lights and digital billboards all along the main streets. Not only that, but there are many walls covered in colorful graffiti that light up the city’s atmosphere. New Diamanda is a city with a heavy emphasis on visual and arts, so there’s not many areas that aren’t colorful. It’s a fun city to walk around and explore, especially because there’s a lot to be found within New Diamanda. Besides the typical entertainment of everyday life, the large amusement park (found across the river on the west end of the city), the hovering ferris wheel (located in the center of the city), and various museums throughout the city that explain the history of Diamanda and the potential influence of supernaturals. Not only that, but the city frequently hosts large festivals.

The ground level of the city caters to pedestrians, as seen by the streets which are only used for walking and trolleys that take people around the neighborhood. However, if you take your eyes off the busy main streets and carefully observe your surroundings, you will notice an entire network of side streets and alleys with a lot to be found. Many of them home unique vendors and restaurants that the locals seem to eat up.

"The Ever-Changing City"

The layout of the city always seems to be subtly changing. These small vendors often seem to change locations, popping up at different locations throughout the city at random times. One store that is there at night could be at a completely different location by day. Small shops that people often look past often hold the most mystery due to their frequent location chances. The locals of New Diamanda do not seem to question this phenomenon. There are many business owners who do not even realize the changes in location unless they consciously think about it. The navigation systems can’t seem to keep up with the changes, if they were ever even recorded at all.

One common explanation people have for this phenomenon is that the changing locations are caused by supernaturals. There have always been some influence of the supernatural in the city, but there is no certain evidence that they do exist. While the city and its infrastructure are only 300 years old, the city is rich with history due to being the successor city of the fallen capital, Diamanda. Many people speculate that the supernatural had some influence in what happened to Diamanda, so many locals search for proof that they do exist (for different reasons).

Section 01, Subsection 03 Header

Duis id aliquet velit, id maximus lectus. Praesent porttitor interdum ante id mattis. Ut volutpat enim et nisi pulvinar rutrum. Nulla id laoreet sem. Aenean vitae sagittis lacus. Nulla odio felis, malesuada sed efficitur at, accumsan quis enim. Vivamus sed nunc posuere, vestibulum velit nec, posuere mauris. Ut pretium, metus nec porta viverra, purus erat fermentum arcu, ut tristique nisi velit vitae felis. Curabitur lobortis justo a mattis scelerisque. Vivamus viverra nisl id sem congue, sit amet semper nisi rutrum.

Section 02 Header

Mauris euismod rutrum luctus. Mauris posuere est erat, finibus interdum risus consectetur eget. Quisque risus magna, mollis quis magna vel, fermentum accumsan lectus. Fusce sed turpis pharetra, venenatis justo vitae, eleifend justo. Integer hendrerit tortor vitae vestibulum vestibulum. Ut mauris dolor, dictum vel tincidunt in, euismod sit amet massa. Fusce ut purus eu nulla commodo facilisis et id odio. Maecenas eleifend posuere vulputate. Phasellus vehicula et lorem in efficitur. Donec fringilla mi id nulla porttitor condimentum. Ut egestas condimentum sollicitudin. In ac sem pellentesque, vehicula turpis at, interdum sem. Donec id orci vel magna egestas ullamcorper in eget enim. Orci varius natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Donec tincidunt neque a lorem viverra, ut aliquam sem sagittis.

Section 02, Subsection 01 Header

Duis id aliquet velit, id maximus lectus. Praesent porttitor interdum ante id mattis. Ut volutpat enim et nisi pulvinar rutrum. Nulla id laoreet sem. Aenean vitae sagittis lacus. Nulla odio felis, malesuada sed efficitur at, accumsan quis enim. Vivamus sed nunc posuere, vestibulum velit nec, posuere mauris. Ut pretium, metus nec porta viverra, purus erat fermentum arcu, ut tristique nisi velit vitae felis. Curabitur lobortis justo a mattis scelerisque. Vivamus viverra nisl id sem congue, sit amet semper nisi rutrum.

Section 02, Subsection 02 Header

Duis id aliquet velit, id maximus lectus. Praesent porttitor interdum ante id mattis. Ut volutpat enim et nisi pulvinar rutrum. Nulla id laoreet sem. Aenean vitae sagittis lacus. Nulla odio felis, malesuada sed efficitur at, accumsan quis enim. Vivamus sed nunc posuere, vestibulum velit nec, posuere mauris. Ut pretium, metus nec porta viverra, purus erat fermentum arcu, ut tristique nisi velit vitae felis. Curabitur lobortis justo a mattis scelerisque. Vivamus viverra nisl id sem congue, sit amet semper nisi rutrum.

Section 02, Subsection 03 Header

Duis id aliquet velit, id maximus lectus. Praesent porttitor interdum ante id mattis. Ut volutpat enim et nisi pulvinar rutrum. Nulla id laoreet sem. Aenean vitae sagittis lacus. Nulla odio felis, malesuada sed efficitur at, accumsan quis enim. Vivamus sed nunc posuere, vestibulum velit nec, posuere mauris. Ut pretium, metus nec porta viverra, purus erat fermentum arcu, ut tristique nisi velit vitae felis. Curabitur lobortis justo a mattis scelerisque. Vivamus viverra nisl id sem congue, sit amet semper nisi rutrum.

Section 03 Header

Mauris euismod rutrum luctus. Mauris posuere est erat, finibus interdum risus consectetur eget. Quisque risus magna, mollis quis magna vel, fermentum accumsan lectus. Fusce sed turpis pharetra, venenatis justo vitae, eleifend justo. Integer hendrerit tortor vitae vestibulum vestibulum. Ut mauris dolor, dictum vel tincidunt in, euismod sit amet massa. Fusce ut purus eu nulla commodo facilisis et id odio. Maecenas eleifend posuere vulputate. Phasellus vehicula et lorem in efficitur. Donec fringilla mi id nulla porttitor condimentum. Ut egestas condimentum sollicitudin. In ac sem pellentesque, vehicula turpis at, interdum sem. Donec id orci vel magna egestas ullamcorper in eget enim. Orci varius natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Donec tincidunt neque a lorem viverra, ut aliquam sem sagittis.

Section 03, Subsection 01 Header

Duis id aliquet velit, id maximus lectus. Praesent porttitor interdum ante id mattis. Ut volutpat enim et nisi pulvinar rutrum. Nulla id laoreet sem. Aenean vitae sagittis lacus. Nulla odio felis, malesuada sed efficitur at, accumsan quis enim. Vivamus sed nunc posuere, vestibulum velit nec, posuere mauris. Ut pretium, metus nec porta viverra, purus erat fermentum arcu, ut tristique nisi velit vitae felis. Curabitur lobortis justo a mattis scelerisque. Vivamus viverra nisl id sem congue, sit amet semper nisi rutrum.

Section 03, Subsection 02 Header

Duis id aliquet velit, id maximus lectus. Praesent porttitor interdum ante id mattis. Ut volutpat enim et nisi pulvinar rutrum. Nulla id laoreet sem. Aenean vitae sagittis lacus. Nulla odio felis, malesuada sed efficitur at, accumsan quis enim. Vivamus sed nunc posuere, vestibulum velit nec, posuere mauris. Ut pretium, metus nec porta viverra, purus erat fermentum arcu, ut tristique nisi velit vitae felis. Curabitur lobortis justo a mattis scelerisque. Vivamus viverra nisl id sem congue, sit amet semper nisi rutrum.

Section 03, Subsection 03 Header

Duis id aliquet velit, id maximus lectus. Praesent porttitor interdum ante id mattis. Ut volutpat enim et nisi pulvinar rutrum. Nulla id laoreet sem. Aenean vitae sagittis lacus. Nulla odio felis, malesuada sed efficitur at, accumsan quis enim. Vivamus sed nunc posuere, vestibulum velit nec, posuere mauris. Ut pretium, metus nec porta viverra, purus erat fermentum arcu, ut tristique nisi velit vitae felis. Curabitur lobortis justo a mattis scelerisque. Vivamus viverra nisl id sem congue, sit amet semper nisi rutrum.

Trivia Header

  • Mauris euismod rutrum luctus. Mauris posuere est erat, finibus interdum risus consectetur eget. Quisque risus magna, mollis quis magna vel, fermentum accumsan lectus.
    • Fusce sed turpis pharetra, venenatis justo vitae, eleifend justo.
    • Integer hendrerit tortor vitae vestibulum vestibulum.
    • Ut mauris dolor, dictum vel tincidunt in, euismod sit amet massa.
  • Mauris euismod rutrum luctus. Mauris posuere est erat, finibus interdum risus consectetur eget. Quisque risus magna, mollis quis magna vel, fermentum accumsan lectus.
    • Fusce sed turpis pharetra, venenatis justo vitae, eleifend justo.
    • Integer hendrerit tortor vitae vestibulum vestibulum.
    • Ut mauris dolor, dictum vel tincidunt in, euismod sit amet massa.
  • Mauris euismod rutrum luctus. Mauris posuere est erat, finibus interdum risus consectetur eget. Quisque risus magna, mollis quis magna vel, fermentum accumsan lectus.
    • Fusce sed turpis pharetra, venenatis justo vitae, eleifend justo.
    • Integer hendrerit tortor vitae vestibulum vestibulum.
    • Ut mauris dolor, dictum vel tincidunt in, euismod sit amet massa.