


7 months, 5 days ago


Creepy little freak. Lowverbal. Staring at you.

Though Cuppycake is a demon, it was stranded on earth as a pup after a summoning ritual went wrong. Cuppy was found at the scene of the crime, and unsure what else could be done, given to CPS and eventually put into a foster home. Given the legal name Crispin McAllister, Cuppy was raised amongst humans. He learned to shapeshift enough to sort of pass, but his unusual behavior still left him unable to blend in with his peers.

Foster guardians and caretakers often mistook Cuppy for a girl when she was small, and would tie his hair up in braids or pigtails to keep it out of her face. Cuppycake has been wearing it this way whenever he can get away with since, though he often lacks the focus or dexterity to do braids.

At eight years old, they were adopted into a “forever family” who took raising and acclimating Cuppycake to human society very seriously. Trying to bond with Cuppy was difficult, as it was a genuinely freakish and at times violent child. It  frequently got sick, and would shriek incessantly to express happiness, discomfort, frustration, or sadness. He barely acquired any verbal skills, and would often refuse any accommodations to communicate, such as writing, sign language, or AAC. It could only be briefly controlled by junkfood and physical affection, and that wasn’t sustainable. Frustrated and ashamed that they felt they couldn’t handle Cuppy, its family began ignoring it, and eventually neglecting it in all other fashions.

Twelve years old, hungry, sick, unclean, and confused, Cuppy began responding violently in an attempt to garner a reaction, and at times genuinely believed and feared that he had turned invisible. This surmounted in Cuppy biting his adoptive mother hard enough that she had to go to the ER, and the ensuing fallout and explosion from his adoptive father caused Cuppy to run away, and live on the streets. It ended up in Elsewhere not long after, by stowing away on a train, and then a shipment truck.

He eventually moved into an abandoned arcade in the Fringe, rarely leaving except to haunt the suburbs - raiding dumpsters and bothering its denizens. The authorities were often called on him, mostly out of concern, though he would usually shake them. When he was fourteen, it was finally tracked and lured into custody, and assigned to be a ward of the state, and sent to middle school.

Though Cuppy acted out at first, she enjoyed routine, access to the Internet, and the ability to watch people his age, even if they largely rejected him. He would regularly get singleminded crushes/obsessions on girls in her grade, and follow them around. Though this was seen as understandably creepy, this behavior never escalated as people feared, as Cuppy was well aware of how people saw it, and could understand boundaries even if he wouldn’t fully respect them enough to stop staring.

Cuppy never graduated high school, as its grades were just abysmal, and at seventeen it moved back into the arcade, and continued living off of a diet of pizza stolen off of people’s porches, stale sugar cookies thrown out behind Interstellar Mart, and overstock from the convenience store nearby. At times, it has been known to kill and eat pets, or local wildlife, or pick roadkill off the street.

It spent two years living like a feral, playing arcade games, sleeping in the ball pit or the janitor’s closet when it got cold, and siphoning Internet off of nearby houses or businesses by sneaking around or breaking and entering.

At nineteen, it met Wander, and ended up falling into another obsessive spiral after the two made eye contact.
