tbn (old info)


Basic Info




Name: Moon Willow

Age: 17

Pronouns: She/They

Info: Moon Willow enjoys going for late night walks and is friends with Panda (Little Horns sister) and they both hang out together in a certain park at night whenever Panda is able to. They like going to that specific park together because it has some nice flowers, specifically Purple and Blue Tulips. Moon Willow has made friends with a few of them. She was afraid of them at first because of the stories about Tulips being blood thirsty monsters. But she soon figured out that it wasn't really true, they just don't like their flowers being stepped on or anything. She also learned that most of the attacks were because of them being provoked in some way. She now studies Tulips and other species like them. If she's not outside taking a walk at night, she'll be at a library, just reading books and studying different species. Moon Willow surprisingly also likes going to parties (normally ones with nocturnal creatures). She's a nice person, and doesn't really like violence unless there's a reason for it. Moon Willow is also able to fly, but she usually only flies to get into trees, she likes to just chill in trees, she thinks it's peaceful.