♡'s Ownership

Please read the Characters FAQ for further information on permissions and original ownership!

Character Permissions

Can be regifted
Can be retraded
Can be resold

Design Terms of Use

Craziel-Wintuade Global Rules

· you may not resell for more than you bought for unless it comes with more art. This includes listing for OTA.

· you may not sell or give my designs to anyone on my DNS list shown below.


NeveyKarma/runningleo resells designs for more than they're worth (even if gotten for free), resells designs that already have owners, takes credit for designs that are not theirs, just generally problematic. 

Blackwolf4488 / Blackwolf4488adopts (used bases without credit, started drama over being blocked and asked to add credit) 

Unicorngirl120 / Laya_adopts120 (immediately flipped my designs for more)

xWeedthewolf14. ( rude af for no reason)

ReebAdopts (just rude af for no reason)

Lunar- foxes / SparklemoonYT (doesnt pay, lies, bullies, problematic and gross) 

Dakotakohai98 (flipper and blocked me for calling it out)

DeathByTechno (character theft, rude brat, liar, problematic)

TopazDoesArt (rude for no reason, generally problematic)

moremoor (broke TOS about reselling. Lashed out when asked to correct the problem and then proceeded to stalk my account to come up with "dirt" instead of just correcting the mistake)

ecn31 (claimed adopt, seemed interested up until they got my paypal info, completely ghosted me, even after I tried asking if they still wanted it or not.) 

Tomothebear/tomothebear3 (manipulative lier that traced, faked deaths, stole real people's photos to lie about their family, used an excessive amount of alt accounts to further the lie and harass people)


· you may change designs as much as you like after youve bought them. This includes gender, markings, colors, etc etc. 

· while I dont prefer that you flip my designs its okay if you do as long as youre not selling them for more than you bought them for. I will harass you until you change the price back to the original price.

. You may not take credit for my designs.