Shasta the Dark



8 months, 29 days ago


Name: Shasta The Dark

Age: 25 (currently in the story)

Species: A unique mix of a bat and a cat, resulting in distinct physical features.

Gender: Nonbinary (preferring he/she/they pronouns)

Type: Flying

Height: Shasta is of average height for their species, standing at about 4 feet tall.

Alignment: Shasta's alignment is initially motivated by a desire for vengeance but evolves into a more complex sense of justice and protection as the story progresses.

Team: A core member of the Guardians of Twilight, a group dedicated to fighting against the Obsidian Syndicate and protecting those in need.

Occupation: Shasta's primary occupation is a vigilant protector and fighter. They are skilled in combat, especially in aerial maneuvers.

Home: Shasta's current residence is often on the move as they accompany the Guardians of Twilight in their missions. However, they maintain a hidden base in a remote location for planning and strategizing.


  • Shasta is a complex character driven by their past trauma and desire for revenge against the Obsidian Syndicate. This motivates them to become a formidable fighter and strategist.
  • They are fiercely protective of their friends and teammates, often putting their own safety at risk to ensure the well-being of others.
  • Shasta's personality evolves throughout the story as they confront moral dilemmas, which leads to a gradual shift from seeking vengeance to a deeper sense of justice and redemption.
  • They are determined, resourceful, and can be quite resilient in the face of adversity. However, their past has left them emotionally scarred, leading to moments of inner turmoil and vulnerability.
  • Shasta is fiercely independent, preferring to rely on their own abilities and instincts. They often find it challenging to accept help from others, even when it's offered with good intentions.
  • Introverted by nature, Shasta struggles with communication, making it difficult for them to form close friendships. They tend to keep their thoughts and emotions guarded, revealing them only to a select few.
  • Despite their introverted tendencies, Shasta is a free spirit who follows their own path and does whatever they feel is necessary to achieve their goals. They value their autonomy and the freedom to make their own choices.
  • Above all, Shasta is deeply protective of Luc, their childhood friend and a key member of Mirage. This protective instinct drives many of their actions and decisions, even when it conflicts with their independent nature.


  • Shasta's past is marked by tragedy. They lost their family, including their older sister Zero, in a brutal attack orchestrated by the Obsidian Syndicate.
  • Zero was a mentor and role model for Shasta, teaching them combat skills and the values of courage and strength. Her death had a profound impact on Shasta's life.
  • Shasta's journey begins with a burning desire for revenge against Jen the Wolf, the member of the Syndicate responsible for Zero's death.
  • Their quest for vengeance eventually leads them to cross paths with the Guardians of Twilight, where they find purpose in protecting others from the Syndicate's tyranny.
  • As the story unfolds, Shasta's character undergoes significant development, as they struggle with their emotions and confront moral dilemmas. Their evolution from a vengeful character to a protector and defender forms a central narrative arc in the story.


  • Exceptional combat skills: Shasta is a skilled fighter with a focus on aerial combat and agility.
  • Determination and perseverance: Their unwavering commitment to their goals drives them to overcome challenges.
  • Protective nature: Shasta's fierce loyalty makes them a formidable guardian, willing to do whatever it takes to protect their friends.
  • Cold fire powers Shasta can manipulate however they wish. The fire becomes burning only when Shasta wishes to hurt somebody. It can be used as a protective shield or a calming ability as well.


  • Difficulty accepting help: Shasta's independent nature can hinder their ability to work effectively in a team.
  • Introverted and poor communication: Their struggle to communicate effectively may lead to misunderstandings and isolation.
  • Vulnerability to emotional turmoil: Shasta's traumatic past leaves them susceptible to moments of inner turmoil.

Positive Traits:

  • Independence: Shasta's self-reliance allows them to take initiative and make tough decisions.
  • Courage: They possess the bravery to face danger head-on, even when the odds are against them.
  • Loyalty: Shasta's loyalty to their friends is unwavering, and they would go to great lengths to protect them.

Negative Traits:

  • Stubbornness: Shasta's determination can sometimes lead to stubbornness and an unwillingness to consider alternative perspectives.
  • Distrustful: Their past experiences have left them with trust issues, making it challenging to form new bonds.
  • Difficulty expressing emotions: Shasta's introverted nature can make it hard for them to share their feelings, leading to misunderstandings.