Modeus Eisande



8 months, 23 days ago



Modeus Eisande Miss Deputy Detective


NAME Modeus Eisande

AGE 98

BIRTHDAY July 12th


SPECIES Succubus


JOB Secretary


ALIGNMENT Chaotic Good

AFFILIATION House Roquenteau

Modeus is a happy-go-lucky succubus with a passion for social influencing and helping her boss' private investigator agency. Dimwitted and with a quick temper, she enjoys seeking out the simple joys in life to keep her days full of entertainment. However, Modeus finds herself in bad situations and with unkind individuals because of her naivete, which leads to painful experiences she internalizes as her fault. Despite all of this, the succubus keeps her chin up high and looks for the best in the world.

Modeus is currently a secretary at the Callis Detective Agency after being dumped by her most recent boyfriend. Off the clock, she runs a fashion and makeup TikTok account with a decent interest on worldly gossip. She will use her social following and savvy towards the younger generation to assist her old fart of friends.


Modeus could be easily described as having an attention span of a goldfish. The succubus can barely focus on a single thing or task for very long, which also includes her own emotions. One moment, she can be extremely happy and sweet, but soon be triggered by her temper in a split second. The succubus is not the brightest candle one can meet and possesses a naivete that can be detrimental to her health. Modeus has a tendency to be hyper excited about the small things which makes her extremely easy to please. She is adept at being a flirtatious woman, using her feminine charms even if she doesn't realize it to her advantage. Modeus, at the end of the day, is a sweet gal as long as you stay on her good side.

  • Sex/Intimacy
  • Bears
  • Eating Food
  • Social Media
  • Being Talked Down To
  • Losing
  • Being Bored
  • Complex Math

String of Cursed Loves

Modeus was born the youngest out of five daughters in the Eisande family. As the youngest one, everybody in the household spoiled and babied her to death. This didn't help the girl's ditzy ego and typically led her to relying on her older sisters to get her out of trouble. Modeus didn't grow up with much ambition; she flunked out of high school for truancy, disobeying authority, and overall bad grades, and she didn't seem eager to find work. In the mean time, the succubus managed to jump between the next man who would give her the sweetest whispers and isolated herself from her family once getting involved with a new boyfriend. Modeus, being rather dim witted and gullible, fell into a toxic pattern of depending on violent and abusive boyfriends, believing herself to be the one in the wrong. It got so bad that she almost got drowned by one of her lovers and had to kill him in self defense. Despite all of this, the succubus continued to tell herself that all the pain she suffered was her fault.

Leaving Hell

At the age of 94, Modeus fell in love with a charming demon named Rolvakon. She fell into that same pattern again: he would tell her pretty lies, call her beautiful, say the right things... Her parents and sisters were wrong about this one for once. He was right to tell her to not listen to them. Modeus eventually got convinced to leave the Infernal Realm with her lover without letting her family know.

Life outside of Hell started out fine. The couple rented out a decently cheap apartment somewhere in Naperville, Illinois and Rolvakon even started a job at a marketing firm in the city. Things began to take a turn for the worse when Modeus would be reprimanded for wanting to call her family. Why would she want to contact people who were holding her back? Why would you want to talk to people who hurt you? Rolvakon would eventually escalate into yelling at her, blaming her for small problems or mistakes he made, sometimes even hitting her when she got out of line. Modeus made a huge point of leaving home and hadn't called her family in so long- how could she beg for help after doing that to them? Her boyfriend kicked her out of the apartment after four years of this, leaving the succubus alone and broke. The succubus spent a good while hopping between shelters and low-paying jobs. Despite her trials and struggles, she still continued to be strong through it all and with a smile. Her luck sent her to Andres Roquenteau, her soon-to-be benefactor and guide to her new life in Chicago.

Callis Detective Agency and the Soiree

Andrew sent the succubus to work with his biggest Soiree act: Maximillian Callis. The werewolf had a day job as a local detective, which kept the man busy before his training for the annual Soirees. Modeus started her work as a secretary and a small, unspoken romance between the two blossomed. Now, she is aiding Max and Andy in their struggles against both the Obelisks and the mysterious disappearances of noble house members.

  • A devout follower of Lycoris, one of the Crimson Dragons of the Soiree council. She stalks her gossip line and eats up the drama for dinner
  • Has way too many driving violations and once had her driver's license revoked after crashing into a shopping mall. While she received her license back, Modeus prefers to fly or walk now
  • Has an OnlyFans account
  • Went through a punk phase in the 60's

ABOUT: Maximillian Callis

Modeus's employer and current boyfriend. She works as his secretary and confidant, especially since nobody else works with him. She is highly devoted to Max and constantly over-exerts herself to lessen his burdens; she is very worried about his health. They started dating after a near-death experience where he confessed his love to her. The pair currently are quite close, which leads to tension with her family considering her history of men.

ABOUT: Andres Roquenteau

Modeus's employer and best friend. Andrew found her at her lowest point, kindly offering her a job and change of life after being dumped by her boyfriend. Despite their personality differences, Modeus loves hanging out with and teasing him, as well as has a dedicated nickname for him. She is extremely grateful for his aid regardless of how much she teases him.

ABOUT: Nerium Eisande

Modeus's mother. The two were not especially close compared to Nerium's bonds with her sisters, which eventually led to tensions between them as Modeus grew more and more rebellious. Their opinions on lovers and education vastly differed, so her mother gave up on her daughter for the most part. Despite their strained relationship, Nerium is happy to see her daughter is safe.

ABOUT: Ryzath Eisande

Modeus's father. The pair had a relatively close bond and she considered herself to be a daddy's girl throughout her childhood. She constantly worried him with the company she kept and the rash actions she would take if fooled by her friends. He is the happiest to see her back home, but finds himself extremely protective of her now.

ABOUT: Crocell Spellweaver

Modeus's oldest sister. The two sisters are not very close due to their age gap and their respective responsibilities. Modeus admires her Crocell's ambitions and the impact she's had on the community, but doesn't aspire to be anything like her. While Crocell cares for her baby sister, she tends to be a bit put off by how reckless and unambitious she is.

ABOUT: Plumeria Eisande

Modeus's older sister. The two weren't the closest, but Plumeria has shown to be defensive over her sister. She was the one to assist the most after Modeus's self-defense trial, and is on the lookout for her prior boyfriends. Modeus admires her sister very much and aspires to be like her.

ABOUT: Raum Eisande

Modeus's older. She used to hang out with Raum a lot until she got into her boy phase. Feels as though her big sister could open up a bit more both familially and socially. The two barely speak anymore ever since Modeus left the Infernal Realm.

ABOUT: Seir Eisande

Modeus's older sister. She is closest with Seir and missed her the most when she left Hell. The sisters spent the most time together as the youngest daughters. While Modeus does not use magic much, she learned most of what she knows from Seir.

ABOUT: Rolvakon Donomir

Modeus's ex-boyfriend. He was the most recent one and the person who convinced her to move out of the Infernal Realm. Modeus adored him deeply when they were together, unknowing what he was capable of. Rolvakon showed his true colors by isolating his girlfriend from the outside world and her family, and even became very physical against her. She doesn't want to think about him anymore, but the pain he put her through as well as being kicked out with nothing in her name was the largest betrayal she faced.