


7 months, 28 days ago


Story Name: Out of This World 

Main Plot:

Ming accidentally crashes into Alex's backyard while trying to go back to her own planet. She must learn how to communicate with the human in order to get help with fixing her ship and getting back home. During this she unexpectedly creates a bond with him, creating a conflict in interest. Will they be able to repair her ship and get her back to her home planet? Or will she perhaps find a new home in the most expected of places? 

Character Traits: 

♡ being from an entirely different galaxy she speaks an alien language that is not close to English 

♡on her planet she was pretty outgoing, but after crashing on Earth she becomes highly timid and shy, afraid of her surroundings

♡She was never the most talented one in her group of invaders, frequently messing up her tasks. It's the reason she ended up heading into the direction of earth instead of her own planet.

♡ She is very resourceful however and is great with repairing spaceships which she frequently has to do for her own from crashing it