
8 months, 24 days ago


post photo once caught. MM/DD/YY
chaotic cryptid creature
aliases: GRUB
gender: Trans Masc — it/its
orientation: Gay | Aceflux
born: unknown specific unearthed date
species: mimicry makes it difficult to pinpoint species origin. We suspect it to be either human or a grub.
occupation: too many to list.
residence: Australia
height: 5'3" / 160 cm
eyes/hair: grey-blueish-green or a deep black / Red rust or Dark brown with grey hairs (depending on season)

A pit once stood,just under a forest of eucalyptus trees accompanied with scattered granite wattle, not too far out from a small town in ████████. The hollowed out chunk of the Earths crust, swallowed nothing but the death and decay from the rot that was thrown in to that pit. Anything deemed a pest, vermin, nuisance, unwanted pieces of scrap materials were thrown in without a second thought. From animals to people, oil waste and butchered logs. It was a horrid, malodorous, miserable piece of scenery.

It is rumoured that a young girl was thrown into the death chasm. Did she do anything wrong? No. She was picked apart by those they trusted. Being dragged by the collar of their shirt, through the thick mud and pooling carnage of the overflowing ditches, despite pleading, screaming at the top of their lungs to the several bystanders to step in and help them, not one person did anything apart from stare. As the multitude of eyes, piercing straight through into the heart of the kid, it was the last they saw before swallowed into the pit.

Living amongst the soil under the granite wattle, a group of witchetty grubs called its place under the pit home. On a blistering hot day, all the rotting bodyily liquids,oil spills and stagnant water, found its way into the colonys home, it drowned and flushed out all the witchetty, all apart from one.

All balled up complex emotions were far too much for one small creature, especially after such circumstance had flashed before it eyes. The insufferable emotional mixture turned into one. Rage. It is said that on that day, a beast was born. Being driven by dismay, the grub crawled its way up through hell, the aperture, growing larger on it emergence from consuming the death and decay from what laid ontop of what once was its home. It burst out of the muck, its face, arms and legs stained with the soil, gore and materials from its upwards arrival. The final figure that stood up was that of the young girl.


  • It has been noted to appear throughout certain times in history, rough estimate starts ██/██/18██, however could be earlier, this is still being looked in to.
  • It has no face a face, though a goopy ink-like 'black hole' of a mess.
  • It has 'Face' mimicry. Includes skulls (of any animal that can be thought of), Bones and Organs (most common being teeth, eyes, tongues and intestines)
  • Insides are highly irridecent and layered. Deeper the cuts, are light shining green, more shallow cuts are a deep purple. Blood is thicker, black, irridecent and oil-slick like.
  • Can change almost all body parts. Tail, Hands, Feet, Ears and 'Face'. It can change and mimic other creatures body parts. It has been seen with half human and half animal limb mimicry.
  • Body type is Endomorphic.Fat yet muscular.
  • ████ has given it the nickname grub, due to its 'soft' body build. ████ additonally has noted that "it curles itself when sleeping", furthering the grub connotation
  • Has been noted to appear as human on a multiple occasions. Needs to be looked in to more.
  • Can be found communicating through mimicry, mostly that of animal noises as well as snippits its heard from radios. Can speak it own sentences in English, though it seems to have a 'shut off' time.
  • It tore its own chest off. claw marks still remain from the occassion. curiously, it has been noted down that it can heal injuries... we are unsure if theres a reasoning for this or if destruction like this to its body takes longer to heal. will have to look into this more.

additional new trivia will be added if needed.

████ Care-Taker
████ was the original care-taker when GRUB was brought in. ████ has since been moved to a different location in the facility, however they still stay in contact with GRUB and is allowed to grant access to it.
They do not hate each other however they do not love each other, they more-so tolerate each other. At times they seem to enjoy each others company though will never speak a word of it.
████████ FEAR.
Under no circumstances are they to be placed within a ██████ or near ████████.