
Character overview 

Jinx Caida is an Animatronic robot based on a Giant Cicada. He was built to be the drummer of the fully robotic band SweetPea. This large fella drums away while the other members play. He's a pretty big fella, standing at 6'2"


Jinx is the textbook example of a gentle giant. Despite having a hard plastic outer shell he's quite the hugger, often gently hugging his bandmates, especially their hype man Seguchi Maximilian. Jinx is very careful with his hugs however due to his massive strength, always making sure that he's not accidentally crushing the person he's trying to hug. Despite his general kindness one thing he doesn't tolerate is anyone harming his friends. When his friends are harmed he can become EXTREMELY dangerous towards the person who caused harm. 

Build specifications

Jinx was built with an aluminum Endoskeleton to save weight. His movement comes from Hydraulic actuators, giving him fast, fluid and strong movement. A curious design decision by engineers was to give Jinx four arms. The reasoning behind this was to give him extra drumming ability, despite having enough dexterity in his arms to only need two arms to properly drum. Something that was needed to keep Jinx from overheating was a very powerful cooling system that uses automotive coolant, thus increasing his weight. In the end Jinx weighs an impressive 400 lbs. Jinx's eyes are 5" CRT screens.