


8 months, 16 days ago


Lavenderscar is a warrior in Gardenclan. When her mom gave birth to her she was unfortunately extremely sick. She asked her brother (Cryingheart) to raise Lavenderkit as her last request before dying. Lavenderkit grew up with her uncle and the leader of the clan (Redstar) as both her dads. Lavenderpaw grew and became a excellent warrior since she was a Mainecoon she fairly bigger then her other clan mates. Eventually she starts dating on of her clan mates and ending up pregnant just for him to tell her, he loved one of the members in the clan. Lavenderscar tried to convince him to stay since she was pregnant but he left. Lavenderscar gave birth the same day as her ex mates (gf) gave birth unfortunately her son dies as her ex mate 3 kits lived. She grew depressed and despite for another child to the point where she shut everyone out and would often start arguments with her clan mates when she just wanted to be left alone to grieve the lost of her son without someone demanding her to go do this, that, and other. Eventually she comes across a hunting dog and hisses at it frighting the dog. As she turns away she heard a small yelp and she walked over to a bush to see a pup (collie breed) shivering and crying. She takes him back to the clan and takes care of him. Everyone was happy to see that she had a "kit" however when her son (Riley) grew up everyone noticed that her son was not cat but rather a dog. Many cats have tried to get her to give him up and even try to exclude her son out of things. However being the biggest and scary looking cat in her clan most of them kept quiet and to themselves and allowed Lavnderscar's son to join them. Now Riley is teen and is trying to defend his mom from the new barn cat (Smokey) who joined the clan. An it is clear as day to everyone that he's head over heels for her, but Lavenderscar finds him annoying and doesn't know that he's openly trying to hit on her and win her. However, Riley can't really do much since Lavenderscar is his mentor despite it being the same age her and already knows how to take care of himself and how to help the clan as well. Eventually, Lavenderscar talks to Smokey and for once she's smiling and laughing. An Riley is extremely happy to see his mom so happy and enjoying someone else's company other than him.