
9 months, 8 hours ago


Bandito (or Rico to unsuspecting travelers) slithered up from the wrong side of the rocks. Nasty, ill tempered, and always looking for the next gullible victim to either rob or sucker into some scheme. Robbery, extortion, kidnapping, he's done it all. Deep down he's rather lonely and depressed, which leads to him seeking out more trouble. Deep down though he's a nice guy, and really loyal to his friends. Hardened criminals might view him as "soft" as hard as he tries to be intimidating. He'll try as hard as he can to scare you into relinquishing your valuables but he doesn't have the heart to shoot you. 

  He frequents the Bar None, the only place where he acts "civilized." He can be rather rowdy at times especially when drunk, but often he helps Tiny deal with the even more nasty out-of towners that stop by. He'll keep the peace amongst the criminal elements that frequent the place and if he weren't so depressed and focused on petty schemes could probably be a gangster boss or professional bandit.