Taegah's Ownership

Please read the Characters FAQ for further information on permissions and original ownership!

Character Permissions

Can be regifted
Can be retraded
Cannot be resold

Design Terms of Use

TOS (last update 9/22)

DO NOT RESELL MY DESIGNS thx (Or at the very least ask me first 😔)

Don’ts : - reselling

- Whitewash pocs

- Ship with minors if the character is an adult and vice versa

- Delete the character profile

- Private without giving me a key


- use commercially

- Change up the desgin a good amount

- Gender swap

-NSFW (unless character is a minor)

- Turn anthro/feral/human

- Credit me when possible

- Trade or gift

- Surrender back to me if you don’t connect, I can try and swap out something of equal value if needed

Purchasing one of my little guys and u read all my TOS? Let me know! I might send u off with a little doodle as a thank you! :D