


8 months, 10 days ago


71482006_ED2QimsEgre8g3A.pngART CREDIT: vv3spa
4300d93c.gif?v=5bf8fcf7HE/HIMgifmaker-me.gifROCK TROLL
Based on Dr. Milo T. Pinkerton III from The Consortium of Genius.

REFERENCE (Click to open)

Paincaster stands a little over 2 inches tall and wears circular green glasses (that he does not take off), a baggy dark grey coat, a belt with a green button belt buckle, and shiny black pants. Atop his head sits a big heavy-metal mullet of black hair.

Leads his band GEARS (Group of Expert Antagonist Rockstars)
Main vocalist, also plays Keytar and Theremin.

Has had many fellow rock trolls as help him out as bandmates, but Paincaster has always been the brains of the operation. Or so he claims.
  • These bandmates never last too long as he isn't the most pleasant to be around.
  • This struggle with keeping members led to the creation of this thing, and later this robot in the early days of the band. This lineup was the first real, lasting iteration of GEARS.
  • A later iteration of the band is with Rave and Eery. Lucky he met them, otherwise he'd be stuck with a decomposing beast and a robot...
Speaking of brains, he is totally the smartest troll ever. (Source: Paincaster said so himself)
  • Looks down upon other rock trolls for their "unruliness" and considers himself far more dignified. Generally, he thinks he's above everybody else.
  • Also considers himself a force of great evil-- but he's truly not much of a genuine threat.
GEARS' music is pretty well-received among rock trolls, even if the lyrics can be a little odd for that crowd, they like how it sounds!
  • Just don't try to talk to him after a show. You will immediately lose all respect you may have had for him. Jerk.
Smogberry sees him as a son and more recently has brought him along on his expeditions to other trolls' territories. Paincaster appreciates him, even if he's a little wacky.

Voice claim is Dr. Milo T. Pinkerton III (duh)