Tbn's Ownership

Please read the Characters FAQ for further information on permissions and original ownership!

Character Permissions

Can be regifted
Can be retraded
Can be resold

Design Terms of Use

Lakewood-Loser Global Rules

Adopt rules

These rules apply to any characters that you have obtained from me that were created by me.

You can:

  • Resell or retrade designs i have made. However, i tend to buy back my designs often so if you plan on selling it then it would be awesome if you could message me about it in case i still want it (this is not a required thing but it would be epic if you did)
  • Redesign the character. Doesn’t matter if it’s just an addition of one pattern or any crazy additions you see fit. Literally just go wild. as long as it looks at LEAST recognizable then I really don’t mind you personalizing a character that belongs to you.
  • Private characters/put them on auth only. They belong to you so i really don't mind as long as you don't delete the character entirely.

You can't:

  • Delete characters. Its absolutely fine to private ocs that i ahve made but PLEASE do not intentionally delete designs that i have made. Some designs contain old art that i will never be able to get back and deleting characters makes it hard for me to remember what designs i have given to people and makes it hard for me to know what i do and do not have anymore. If you no longer want the design, i may buy it back from you or you are free to sell it, but don't delete the character entirely.
  • Delete old images. PLEASEEE JUST PUT THEM IN ANOTHER FOLDER OR SOMETHING I literally cannot obtain most of my old art ever again unless it is on a character’s profile. Privating the images are perfectly fine but please don’t delete them.
  • Make NSFW of my designs if you are a minor. I can't really stop people from using my designs for sexual art but i prefer you not to. If you are a minor, however, and i find that you used my design for NSFW art then i will likely block you.

Just a note but if i currently have any ocs you have traded or sold to me, i am happy to give them back to you for free if i dont have any plans for them. (this only applies to the creator or previous owners of the character)