


8 months, 23 days ago


sorrell is a natural genius who dropped out of the prestigious gaius arcana (hey fio) because the vibes were off. and something else, but that lore's still cooking. unlike his childhood friend marle, he doesn't own an asterisk. however, he is functionally a red mage and can cast basic white and black magic.

notes about sorrell:

  • his hair is described best as "beautiful," but he doesn't really care for it or have a routine or anything like that.
  • really good at adapting to new situations and picking up skills. hence his admission into the gaius arcana and good performance in class
    • hes not rich or noble or anything. just very lucky in the brains department
  • has known marle since they were kids. though emotionally reserved, he's not private about their friendship and will openly admit his fondness for her.
  • very mumbly. he knows this, and knows that people don't always hear what he's saying. doesn't bother repeating himself when people tell him he's not being clear, though.
  • has a really dramatic scar on his left eye. he accidentally walked into another arcana student's project at an inopportune time. this incident has little bearing on his personality, trauma, or reason for ultimately leaving the gaius arcana.