HEY UHM!!!  idk if ur still looking for this but i can definitely do little tweens!! i have examples here , here , here  and here (first two r the most recent examples!! )

i can even do different expressions each bop if you'd like or a custom bg or transparent or whatevarrr heheheeeeheeh ee ee e
also i use toonsquid for these! im a beginner myself so im not sure what other animation programs r good but for me toonsquid is rly fun and ive been slowly getting the hang of it! i think alightmotion is good for tweening too it always looks super smooth but ive never used it myself so .. take that w a generous helping of salt LOL :'-3

edit: toonsquid costs 10 dollars though and afaik only available on mobile devices! forgot to mention that oopsiess .. its a one time purchase though :3

Id love one or more, yes!!!!

Also tysm for the advice !! OwO

YES DEFINITELY!!! idk if ur up for doing an art trade for it but if not thats perfectly fine i can do them free of charge! :-3 lemme kno what guys u want me to do !

I wont make u do them free that would be so mean!!! Wut kinda art would u want :3 also can u do human characters too or just anthro hehe

ITS HARD TO CHOOSE ALL UR ART IS SO CUTE GRAJHHH... im willing to do tons of art trades tbh ofc only if ur willing ahhh.. i'd love a super cheeb and a couple of icons if ur okay w rthat ! also im so sorry im rly rly bad at human characters.. i can definitely do humanoid and anthro but i struggle with actual humans </3 SORRY AGAIN AHH I HOPE THAT DOESNT WANE UR INTEREST :'3

HEY SO SORRY SHOULD WE GO TO DMS FOR DETAILS?? i also have a disc (ricopop) whatever works for u hehe UNLESS U DONT WANT IR ANYMORE WHICH IS ALR! !!!!

I DO IM SRRY im all over the place today XDDD
i have a disc too!! same user if u wanna dm me OwO

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also i can do as many as you'd like!! theyre pretty fun and easy to make so i have no problem w doing lots of em :3

i have, some examples here

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I have two pixie YCHs that are animated??:0



wud u take a trade for it? :3

depends on which one!

my blinkies are valued around $20 and my halloweenie ones are valued around 25!

So many anything similarly valued art wise ? I can do both for a bigger piece if wanted? :0

U can peep my prices over here ^^ !!
i also have a variety of YCHs u can poke around n see~
i like the blinkie ones more but i do like both of them :3

Is there anyway I can do multiple blinkies or multiple of both for a couples piece?? ;; I love your art so much. 

Omg ur so sweet tysm!!! Yes ofc ;.;

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I can offer a bouncing icon like the one below :3


for free programs try ibispaint X maybe? thats what i use :)

if interested lmk what (art wise) you are ok offering in return <3


Would u b ok with a half or full ? :3 or a ych of mine?

A full works for me :3 

can you draw him please? ^^ https://toyhou.se/11564363.aiko-main/gallery#65399464

if possible hugging a shiny charizard plushie 

and who can I draw for you? 

ill do my best, sure!! ^^
Also hmmm...
https://toyhou.se/23567759.prisma-goober how abt these guys!

Okay! Ill start asap 


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