Yume Fujimura



8 months, 19 days ago


  • Yume Fujimura

  • age 18
  • gender Demigirl
  • race Vulpin
  • class Sorcerer
  • theme

Kind • Helpful • Brat

Yume is a relativly open individual who does her best to help others when it's within her limits. Energetic and positive outwardly with internal doubts, insecurities, and regrets that they struggle to accept and work through. Born with the ability to see the future but no control over when she sees, she has conflicting feelings about this ability and why she has them.

"So, I have a question that maaaay sound weird!"

height 4'08"

build Twig with noodle arms and fluff

pronouns they/she

s.o. Bisexual

Level 2

Origin Farseer

HP 20

Background Bandit Defector


INT 10

DEX 14

WIS 14

CON 14

CHA 16


  • Sewing
  • Tarot Reading
  • Scarfs
  • Bright Colors
  • Maple flavored food


  • Being Alone
  • Violence
  • Too much attention
  • Spicy food


Growing up in Meadowfen, Yume is the middle child of the town's blacksmiths. With her elder brother being only a year older the two grew up close together and often joined in with resisting continuing the family business.

At a relatively young age, Yume started showing some peculiar behavior that left both themselves and others scratching their heads. At seemingly random times the young vulpin would give warnings of upcoming events that could go from as simple as guessing the exact day a family friend would give birth, to warning that the incoming rainstorm would be super heavy and cause flooding. For the most part these could be waved off as good guessing and coincidence, but it didn't completely hold back the odd looks and whispers. Especially the odd time that Yume would become stubbornly insistent that something be avoided cause 'It'll be BAD!' or another warning as vague because the child struggled to explain what they felt, just that they knew.


While their parents tried their best, it often lead more to telling the child to be quiet then to figure out why they were saying and doing such things. When younger Yume attempted to do as they were told, but by early teen years they had enough. The things they were seeing were both clearer and more consirning, more magic abilities were showing up, and they pleaded to go to The Avium to possibly find answers. Their parents agreed since Shay insisted on going along. Partially to avoid continuing the family business, but Yume appreciated their brother being there.

Before the two reached their destination though, things took a turn. While at a small tavern Yume warned one of the workers to hold off on traveling that day to restock supplies. While the person was confused, they took a chance and stayed home. Then hearing the next day that a bridge they used had collapsed around the time that they would have been in the area. Luckily no one was hurt and the worker thanked the young Yume rather loudly that night causing another to overhear.


A recruiter for the Bandit Coalition took interest in the siblings, convincing them to join the cause of helping those the Alderheart Government left behind. The two joined and ended up spending years working with them. It's only recently that an event happened that made them regret their actions and run from the Bandits, back home just intime to see their friends again.


[ Rogue ] Older brother, kinda protective of Yume. They got back and forth between appreciating their brother's support and annoyed cause 'Damn it Shay I'm only a year younger and I'm an adult you shit!'. Has continued to travel with him the past five years for better or worse cause the two siblings have made some bad choices.


[ Flying Daggers Monk ] While still learning Tarot card reading, Yume would often practice with their friends. This included Mochi, a Red Panda Mapach, even if she had to secretly due the readings thanks to a couple controlling parents.


[ Night Cleric ] While she'd been more friends with his younger brother (Kraw), Yume still enjoyed the company of Grawk, a Dusk Corvum, from time to time. Probably helped that he made some pretty yummy food and gave Yume a shiny red garnet that she keeps with her as a good luck charm. The last time Yume saw them both she warned Grawk to avoid the Scorched Grove as they started their traveling. She hopes he listened.

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