Angelo Requiem



9 months, 9 days ago


Name: Angelo Requiem

Age: 28

Gender: Male

Height: 8’9 from head to tail , 4’5 from head to where fish part meet, 6’0 on feet

Species: Summery Popplio

Team: Harrowing Spirits

Position: Recruit

Branch: Rescuer

Level: 1

Ability: Liquid Voice


Perish song 



Characteristic: Good perseverance 


+ Romantic

+ Modest

+ Capable

· stylish

· ambitious

- Impulsive

- gloomy

- Jealousy

Island Name & Hometown: Water Continent, Serene Village


    Angelo was born to a musical family. His mother a singer and his father an orchestration conductor. He was taught the moment he could start talking how to sing and a little later on how to play instruments. He actually quite enjoyed this as a kid, finding it fun and getting to handle things that a child wouldn’t  normally get a hand on. His parents would sometimes be busy with concerts or stage shows, but they would usually bring their son along with them when they would go to them.

      Angelo also has a sister, by the name of Puawai, who enjoys singing and dancing. He’s quite protective over her due to her softer nature, keeping her safe if anyone dared think of bullying her. Puawai would tend to look up to him. Angelo also had his problems, but in a different way… when he got to his teenage years, he would usually attract quite a bit of people to him without really trying to do so, seeing as he worked out and kept his figure he would usually have eyes on him. 

      Eventually when Angelo was around nineteen, he decided to date someone for a time, but due to an incident, he broke up with her, having a hard time connecting with others as he developed a bit of a fear of getting too close to anyone romantically. Still, He absolutely loved reading romance stories, the butterflies in his stomach filling his heart with what he wishes to have one day. He can usually be seen reading in a silent cove or somewhere he can read peacefully at, since people would still try to pester for his affection, in which case he would simply smile then brush off if they got too close.

     Later on, Angelo was found on the beach, reading under the tropical trees by Maka. At first, he was about to brush her off too, but realized she wasn’t trying to get his attention in an affectionate way, but in a greeters way. Angelo appreciated this and began talking to her, 

 Eventually Maka asked if he’d like to join her team after he said he loves to go into dungeons and help others. The popplio seemed more than happy, gladdened that the dreepy woman was just trying to be a friend and nothing more. He accepted her invitation into Harrowing spirits, having a much more cozy place to be now.


Maka - friend and leader - “ I appreciate this sweet woman giving me a spot on her team.”

Kairo - friend and leader - “ He’s a bit of a grumpy one, but he’s got a good heart, so I trust him.”

Puawai - Sister - “ She is a very wonderful dancer and her voice is very clear and sweet. “

Inventory: Transformation Scarf


- Loves romance stories

- Hates random people grabbing onto him

- No he will not shave the beard /silly