Helphomon - All digivolutions



8 months, 16 days ago


Digimon Info:


Helphomon and his line are some of the most loyal digimon you could ever come across. Bryce's Helphomon in particular is the definition of it. Never leaving Bryce's side unless told to by Bryce himself. He would sit and wait outside in a storm for Bryce just because he was told to 'stay'. Very obedient even at the start of their relationship, he was very easy to train and Bryce never had to worry about his digimon getting into trouble, short of getting lost due to it's blindness. That being said, he is still a very young-natured digimon who is curious of the world around him and will often curiously stick his nose into things to see what it is, until Bryce tells him not to. If he's ever separated from Bryce, he'll whine like a puppy and search for him and won't rest till he's found.

His protectiveness is on the same level as that of Julian's Tirdramon where he would rather be killed and take a hit for Bryce then see his tamer get hurt. He acts as Bryce's protective shield and will not move no matter how badly he's being beaten down. That also extends to any other tamer of digimon he's befriended, or anyone he deems part of his 'pack'.

Interesting facts/ Additional info: 

~ He is blind, a trait common to his breed.

~ He is one of the last of his kind, but a handful more still exist somewhere in the digital world but are never seen. He is the only tamed one of his kind.

~ Though he is very smart and capable in battle, outside of battle, he is very clumsy and often runs into just about anything, so Bryce has to take special care of him.

~He is a defensive-type Guardian digimon of the underworld. He's very much a tank that can dish out damage, but take a lot of it too, though he is not very quick. He does, however, have the highest stamina and defense of all the Guardian digimon in the group he's in.

~His elements are Earth, Fire and darkness.

~ He rolls in a ball in his smaller forms to get anywhere he needs to go faster, as he's very slow on his feet and usually stumbles over his own legs.

~ He is usually hiding in Bryce's bag when he's in the real world, so he doesn't wander and get lost.

~ He always knows where Bryce is via his scent and is able to always find him no matter how far they have been separated.

~He has super sensitive hearing and sense of smell, to make up for his lack of sight.

~He sleeps wrapped up in a ball.

~He will grab onto Bryce's arm by his tail to get lifted up, just like a smaller tree pangolin in his fresh and in-training forms.

~*** might add more if things come up ;D ***

•Digimon evolutions•

Special ability(Unlocked) -Echoed howl: Using it's keen ears and other senses, it's able to howl and have the sounds bounce back like echolocation, allowing this blind digimon to find his foe. This is an ability very few of his kind are able to use and he's the only current one known to have this ability.

***This digimon line will roll around if running isn't fast enough. In-training form is rather fat and it scrampers about and usually falls over. It's other forms are mostly linked to a Hellhound specifically, but also has inspiration from a Barquest and other mythical wolves, etc.

***This Digimon line is BLIND.*** 

Fresh (baby): Panaroomon ( Pan from "Pangolin" and "Aroo" like a small wolf's howl )


Howling bubble: Howls and releases a rapid-fire stream of bubbles. Does little damage.

***Art above***

In-training: Ruffolinmon ( 'Ruff' Like a wolf/dog bark and 'olin' from the end of "Pangolin" )


Bubble bark: Barks loudly and releases big, black bubbles that hit with surprising force.

***Art Above***

Rookie: Helphomon ( "Hel" Different spelling of "Hell" in Norse mythology and "Pho" from "Pholidota" The scientific name for Pangolin. )


Rock n' Roll: The scales on his body glow and become a diamond-hard shell. He then rolls into a ball and charges at you with the force of a rolling bolder. This attack raises his defensive ability and lets him take on more damage and keep fighting.

Dark fire howl:He releases a loud howl before releasing black flames from his mouth, dealing dark and fire damage. 

Champion: Direhelphomon ( "Dire" from the ancient, massive 'Dire wolves', as it is a big, vicious version of a Hellhound )


Diamond coat: The scales on his  body glow and multiply until he is covered in a suit of scaled armor, allowing him to take heavy damage and keep fighting. After it's activated, he can 'release' the armor on his body, like diamond bullets and fire them at his foe. Doing so, however, leaves him wide open for a moment after the attack and he has to recharge his scales.

Fallen Flames: Releases a high-heat blast of black flames. These flames will lash out a short distance from where it lands, as if possessed by the dead. Has a second chance to hit if he misses the first blast.

***Art Pending***

Ultimate: Wraithhelphomon ( 'Wraith' meaning ghost of phantom/spirit, as this form is a more ghostly demon wolf form, based on a Barghest ) 


Wisps of hell: Opening his maw, smoke and fire slowly spill out, forming 'will-o-wisps' in the air around him. After forming, every time he barks, it launches one like a flaming comet with explosive force. This move acts both offensively and defensively as it makes it hard to approach him with the wisps flouting around him.

Corporeal dust: The scales on its body flout off of him and form a phantom shield around his body and anyone close by. It also raises any loose rocks near him and make them flout in the foes path as extra shielding. Using this power makes his body completely solid, so he cannot use 'call of the night' when this is in affect. He can, however, use 'wisps of hell' while this attack is working. The shield lets his attack only pass through, though it greatly weakens the attack. If the shield is broken, he is left vulnerable for a full 6 seconds after, before his body becomes partly intangible again and he can move.

Call of the night: Releasing a long howl, the ghostly parts of his body pull away from him and rush after you, in the shape of a ghostly wolf-pack, ravaging everything in it's path. 

***Art Pending***

Mega: Infernalhelphomon ( Infernal: relating to or characteristic of hell or the underworld. ) ***CURRENTLY LOCKED***


Oblivion Grave: Using the shadows around him and the shackles on his legs and neck, he grabs you and drags you underground with him, dealing damage and trapping you.

Terra Howl: He releases a loud, ominous howl and the earth around him obey's his call and raises larges spires of rock and earth up from the ground to attack. He can also use this as a shield to form a diamond-hard wall of earth around himself to defend him or allies from attacks.

Raging hellfire: The more angry he is, the stronger the dark flames he releases are, with a power limit of 1.5 times added power. He releases flames all over his body, then sends a concentrated blast of fire from his mouth. The fire continues on his body for a short time after, making physical attacks more damaging. This move uses a fair bit of energy and requires a cooldown between uses, not being able to use it again until the fire on his body goes out.


Relationships: ~ Helphomon:

:star: Family/loved one //  :heart:  Crush/ In love with //   :bulletgreen: Friend // :bulletyellow: Acquaintance/Just met // :bulletred: Enemy/hate// :bulletwhite: Haven't met yet ( For my own oc's )

:bulletgreen: Kallen Zielkov and Betamon:~~~>DW: .:Kallen Zielkov Final App sheet:.

:bulletgreen: Vivi and Plushnyamon:~~~>  Tdw Vivienne Cout By Xxskittlescatxx Deddua7-ful / TDW:.:Vivienne Couture Fullbody:.:-C***New app pending***

:bulletgreen: Julian Hunter and Tiramon:~~~> Julian::DigitalWars App::Final

:bulletwhite: Toren Vogel and Bakowlmon:~~~>TDW:.:Toren Vogel:.:Final App::

:bulletwhite: Finn and Volvomon:~~~>DW:.:Finn Lockhart:.:Final App:.

Other member's oc's:

:bulletyellow: Calix Allardyce-Natio and Demidevimon:~~~>DW: Calix Allardyce-Natio App

:bulletyellow: Ren and Herissmon ( Black) :~~~>TDW - Ren

Other planned forms/names:

Armor Egg forms:( All purchased, just needing to be drawn and officially used )

Armor egg of Friendship: ***Pending***

Armor egg of Courage: ***Pending*** 

Armor egg of Reliability: ***Pending***

Armor egg of Light: ***Pending***

Armor egg of Sincerity: Lycomabushimon "The bane of Sincerity" ( A Yamabushi ( Japanese mountain warrior/hermits and a Wolf's bane plant  "lycoctonum ")

Armor egg of Kindness:***Pending***

Armor egg of Love: ***Pending***

Armor egg of Knowledge: Armalycosmon  "Rolling Knowledge" ( A Pill bug - an armored bug that rolls into a ball, like a pangolin, but with the hidden fangs of a wolf spider. )

Armor egg of Hope: ***Pending***

Golden Armor forms:***Both locked***

Destiny(Main): Beohelphomon ***Locked***

Miracles: ***Pending******Locked***

DNA Forms:

Eclipsemon ( A DNA form with Kallen )***Pending Creature type*** / ***Locked***

Torafoomon ( A DNA with Julian - a Tiger foo dog )***Locked***

Komainumon  ( DNA With Vivi - DirehelphomonXStitchleomon) ( Stone lion/foo dog )

***Art pending*** 

Akhlutmon ( DNA with Dorian - A wolf/orca hybrid mythical creature ) ***Locked***

Biomerge Form: ***Locked***


Dark Digivolution:***Locked/Unavailable***

Skullhelphomon ( A full skeleton of a wolf with fire for eyes  )

***All 7 guardians together form "Mythosmon" - But the form is lost due to one Guardian being lost/dead.