pending to CinnabarSkies's Ownership

Please read the Characters FAQ for further information on permissions and original ownership!

Character Permissions

Can be regifted
Can be retraded
Can be resold

Design Terms of Use

WEB_angel387 Global Rules

Last Updated terms of service 25 jan 2024 9:16 pm

Under no circumstances shall my designs be given or sold to any members on my blacklist. Nor will they be sold to pedophiles, racists, homphobic individuals, people with grooming track records and so on.

Please keep NSFW to a bare minimum, I am a MINORITY By legal age and i do not want any nsfw content of my designs. Please, if you HAVE to get nsfw art of your design that you own. ASK. I will be more then happy to give you the thumbs up if you are above the age of 18.

I will NOT condone any zoophile slash minor NSFW of ANY of my designs if you own it or not. Not even aged up versions. Your character will be revoked instantly and you will be immediately blacklisted

Ask before hiding or deleting characters.

You must own a design for 1 week before you are able to retrade or resell.

No color picking, tracing, etc.

I do NOT want my designs associated with the following Fandom

- Alfred's playhouse, absolutely fucking disgusting.

- dsmp/qsmp or whatever name it goes by or anything associated with anything in that including Wilbur soot, ranboo, etc.

Small changes to designs are allowed but large changes must be checked in with first. Nothing personal if you want to change the design i want to make sure it's not too far away from the original.

Please do not use designs made by me in stories with sexual assault.