Mika Valtteri



7 months, 26 days ago


(apologies for making the most visually unappealing character sheet) (also sorry if this makes no sense rn I'm trying to build lore but its hard) 

Mika (Mee-kah) Valtteri (Vahl-teri) is, in a nutshell, just a guy who's seeking revenge. After falling victim to a lesser demon under the guidance of Duke Bune, a demon known to raise and rule an army of the dead (called exercitus peccatorum) less than a year ago, Mika began to transform into something rather... unfortunate. He's not quite...dead. Rather, just lost its human soul to that of pure sin and desire. Whilst its humanity and memory slowly rot away due to the constant voices from the hivemind, Mika makes it his goal to track down the one who turned him before it's too late. But to do any of that shit, he's gotta get stronger... which means he has to corrupt, bring out human desires and make them act on them (sex, drugs, murder??? you name it baby)! To this species of demon, daemonium immortuum, corruption is a source of sustenance. It's their mission to deliver sinner's corrupted souls to Bune. It feels like pure ecstasy. Pure power. 

When Mika is feeling like himself (as in, not being yapped at/ semi-controlled by the hivemind), he is rather rough around the edges. He does not get along with others well, usually very suspicious and untrusting of their intentions. It is very, very vengeful and quick to freak out if things don't go its way. He finds himself very attracted to the vulnerability of others and feels strong temptations to have utter control and praise from them; this definitely gets amplified the more he changes. However, despite his hard-ass bad boy wannabe exterior, it's kind of a goof? Like, is just clumsy, has lame dry humor, kind of a freak. It's not really his fault tbh, if you dated a demon who ended up trying to kill you, you'd be a bit of a weirdo grump too. 

OTHER THAN trying to seek revenge, he makes his way in California doing evening-time odd jobs, and when its seasonal, he's a scare actor; mainly because it doesn't really have the ability to look fully human (we'll touch on this later). It lives in an apartment on its own, usually eating greasy pizza, watching shitty reality TV, and romanticizing his melancholy sorrow of being lonely. 

ok its getting late I will add more to his lore later! but before I end, here's some character design notes: 

- comically green skin because uhhhhh uhh zombe

- face is purposefully asymmetrical. No I don't really have a reason, it just felt right 

- he does not walk around naked all the time I just didn't feel like making an outfit yet :( (but the boxers and sock combo are canon) 

- It gets a spooky mouth when it does its demon thang; when it starts glowing purple that's how you know the hivemind is mostly taking over

- oh yeah, big Bune sigil on his back that also glows (get it, because he was metaphorically backstabbed... yag)

- heterochromia, one eye brown other eye is like a glazed-over hazel 

- he will grow horns and wings eventually but we're not there yet