New World



8 months, 16 days ago


an entity from god who was supposed to come to the world during a specific celestial event to grace the mortal world and grant them good fortunes/good harvests/etc.
however, they come to find an empty world with nothing left, not even animals (at first) turns out the world was eradicated, god became too angry and wanted to destroy and restart it all over again, but those in charge of watching the mortals grew attached to the world/grew attached to their power/grew attached to people/etc and fought against him. in the end, nothing remained of anyone.
now the godly entity reads of the prophecy saying they'd arrive and they explore the empty world, grieving something they never got to experience. they find art, books, family photos, gardens, childrens toys, homes, recordings of people. they grow to mourn something they never had. they start to even question their own existence, whether theyre a god or not and eventually even questioning if theyre alive.
they pray for intervention, for a sign, for something to guide them in the right direction but there is nothing. all they can do now is look at the records between the deities who watched over the world in its final hours.

Sol, Andromeda, Calypso, Hoshi
Since the planet is empty, aliens send a scout to see the conditions and take over. Deity meets alien and the two explore the earth together yippe