Species Information: .exe



6 years, 8 days ago


Bright red=angry
Gold = deep love
Purple = deep thought

.exes are creatures of curiosity, and furthering their knowledge. Because of this though, some can go to unethical reaches, which causes conflictions between regions of the Exe Realm. The kingdom of Electronica banished those who sought to learn through others' suffering, but because of this regions with anarchic traits exist, and have created militaristic groups just to go against Electronica's rule.

Diet: Things high in protein & electricity (batteries, power outlets) Sugary foods make them tired. Acidic foods are dangerous if too much is consumed.

Anatomy - The bodies of Exes are made up of light, shaped to resemble the Exe's physical features. At first glance resemble typical mortal creatures, of both feral and humanoid varieties. However, Exes are in control of every piece of their body and is capable of interchanging to their own pleasure. They can dissolve and rebuild limbs with ease, completely remove internal organs and even add abnormal parts to their body, some Exes can even have disembodied pieces count towards their main body (such as a floating head with no neck).. Changing ones body is not easy however, and if tampered with too carelessly it risks corruption. Exes are capable of changing the scale of their body, but they cannot exceed a 2 foot difference in either direction. Exes bodies manipulate their brightness in order to blend in to the environment, but in pure darkness a faint glow is left on their person, along with the constant glow of their eyes. Due to their body compensation as well, they cannot cast shadows. Their internals are also capable of glowing different colors (including flesh, blood, and bone).

Skill Classes: CPU (Intelligence. Have more expertise in like, hacking and code and stuff) RAM (Warrior. Physically stronger, Victor) Processor (Mage. It's for like, exes who have more abilities and stuff when it comes to like Holograms or Nanites, etc. Like how Cammie is Nanites or Geas gots Holograms) Kernel (All around, jack of all trades)

File Types: Pseudo, Pure, Hybrid, Beta, Alpha types of Exe. Pseudo are part fleshy human created a la frankenstein's monster. Pure are coded in naturally. Hybrid are born from an exe x other species parent. Beta is what Evan and Eve are. Alpha is what Robbie is.

C:\common_eyes\ Common eyecolors of the Exes is black sclera with irises that change colors depending on their mood. The baseline eyecolor varies depending on the person, but most Exes have a dull red as their baseline color.

C:\glitched_eyes\ Glitched eyes are similar to the common type, however when the eyes are glitched they have more than one color. The secondary color can vary between gradient fades, patterns in the iris, or abnormalities in the sclera. Glitched eyes typically have stutters or jitters that cause the iris to flicker. Glitched eyes can have differing grayscale shades for sclera, but never any other colors.

C:\mutated_eyes\ Mutated eyes have completely different eye colors to the common colors. The basic emotion colors are completely different to the main colors, including the emotion colors. This eye type includes patterns in the iris/sclera.

C:\subclass\mutated_s_distorted\ Mutated Subclass Distorted allows the Exe to have different shapes of irises, other than circular. An example being diamond-shaped.

C:\subclass\mutated_s_adaptive\ Mutated Subclass Adaptive is when the eyes change completely with each emotion, both in colors and in shape. Shapes and colors are unique each

Once the kingdom was built, Evanora Claimed the space as queen. Despite this, she would treat everybody as equal and would do as much as she can with her people. Once Robert was slain however, she became much more reclusive. Eventually, the kingdom was attacked by a swarm of demons that attempted to ravage the kingdom of Electronica. They were beaten, but with panic risen an army was formed to keep the kingdom safe. A year after the army's formation however, the vessel of Wrath destroyed the kingdom and stole Eve away from her home. Since then, the kingdom was left in ruins.. unbeknownst to most, still inhabited by the few who survived the attack.