
8 months, 15 days ago

Basic Info


Please note any content against toyhouse rules will have you blacklisted from the species (most strict on the first rule)


This is an open species! That means you can make as many as you want and don’t need to ask me. This profile is a general info page (with images and links for ML) you by no means have to follow any of this exactly, just please meet the requirements. If you do make one, link them to this profile or let me add a pic of them to this to masterlist them :> (by that I mean you can request a link to this profile and I’ll accept or do that with the main pic) I’ve found many fun species in the past because I randomly got a character with links to the creators. 

They are a result of a shark and a cat, or multiple, resulting in there being a very large range of shapes and sizes. Some may have longer snouts and some may have shorter, some may even have irregular shaped snouts (like a goblin or a hammerhead). 

Carks have flat heads and large mouths, usually with 2 rows of sharp, subtly serrated teeth (the serrations usually aren’t noticeable unless looking closely). They have a triangular nose and a mammalian mouth shape. Their eyes either have very large round pupils or, in more uncommon scenarios, adjustable slit pupils, like cats. 

They have gills on their torso, and at least a dorsal fin on their back. The back of their legs usually taper to a fin, and they tend to have webbed paws. Their tail is usually wide and very strong and is their main source of movement in water. This makes them slower on land, when compared to cats of the same species. This also makes them much heavier.

Carks are usually much more size varying than actual cats, with some growing to be 20 feet long, from nose to tail, and others as small 6 inches, again from nose to tail. 

They can live on land and in the water, most commonly found near saltwater. They have difficulty surviving in dry environment, such as deserts or tundras, because they run a higher risk of dehydration, but can live there if needs be and the circumstances are right. 

Carks have fur that keeps them from getting completely soaked when in water. When wet, it dries relatively quickly. Their fur varies greatly in lengths, however, and sometimes they don’t even have fur. 

They can be found in almost any environment, sometimes even interacting with people and other species. 

The species lore is still a work in progress, what’s available is in the literature section on the IC character profile, it’s entirely up to you whether or not you want to read it, let alone use it. Again, this species is entirely open and you can do whatever you’d like with them. You can even make them hybrids of other animals. If you’d like lore ideas to be added, please share them and I’ll do what I can to make it official.