
name Gelidus
age 2,000+
gender male, trans FTM
pronouns he/they
orient. aromantic
species feral cat
designer myself

Gelidus is a millennia-old Aspect that takes the rough form of a strikingly pale blue tomcat. As the name might indicate, he represents the Aspect of Prevalent Winter, i.e the cold in general. He has a rough, coarse voice and a personality as cold and hard-cut as his namesake.

Due to the fact that his entire basis is on not being a 'normal' cat as per most of his kind, he's very generally self-aware of his surroundings and other people. As an individual he's a confusing bunch at points, sarcastic and sharp-tongued but also hating overwhelming attention.

His tornado form takes the EF3 class and appears as a pale blue funnel with snowy-white overhead thunderclouds. Classification Threat Level III on the Anomalous Danger Index.

everything to do with winter and the cold. after all he represents it. also enjoys trash talking a little (oc slanderer 1000)

being 'cuddled' or touched without express permission or called pet names, extreme heat, densely urban areas

  • Gelidus is unable to communicate normally in human speech and his Aspect dialect is unintelligible to human perception, so he uses a telepathic mindlink to relay messages in human speak.
    • This does NOT mean he cannot perceive human language accurately. He's very good at understanding English and his hearing is very sharp, in fact - be careful if you plan some devious mischief when he is in earshot.
    • Early on in his life Gelidus was encouraged to conform to standard gender identifiers - as winter-based Aspects like him were predominantly seen as female. Being a complete rulebreaker he went FUCK YOU to the previous system and pressed his gender identity as male, though out of a modicum of elder-respect he identified as 'trans FTM' (female-to-male) to illustrate the willful divergence he made from social norms.

Other Notes

Despite being over 2,000 years old, Gelidus perpetually looks as though he were a 12 year old normal house cat.

His whiskers are extremely thick and pronounced and sometimes make him look old and grizzled.

He rarely sports an expression that isn't a flat neutral face or a needle-sharp glare. If he does look happy, it oftentimes is probably because he just dissed someone to the point that they dug themselves into a hole.

Absolutely hates Vekos, mostly because of what he did under the control of the Weeping Angel. Enough that once he found out about that identity he attempted to kill him on the spot.

He gets an F grade in smiling. Sorry, he's just really damn bad at it - that is, if he's not finding ways to diss people in a 10 mile radius.

He also holds some major and longstanding grudges, which may or may not heavily affect his temperament.

If this guy were to be a hypothetical Warrior cat he would 100% be either RiverClan or ShadowClan, depending on whether you'd gauge him based on element or personality.

He sucks ass at subtlety. If he doesn't like you he'll announce it to the whole world straight from day one.