


8 months, 18 days ago


Age: 18/unknown

Height: fluctuating

Gender: Male

Personality: Gigi is incredibly sincere. He can be pretty blunt and straightforward, but always with good intentions. While not the brightest he can be surprisingly observant, picking up on emotional cues and is always willing to give support. His driving goal is to love people as best he can in every way possible.

Status: living

Godfrey Vidarson -- nicknamed Gigi by Skylar his brother -- is kind of the black sheep. His father deemed him too stupid to take over his legacy and the village views him as the loveable fool. Fortunately, he didn't let this get to him (lie). Gigi devoted his time to taking care of his mother and brother in any way he was helpful; making sure she didn't feel alone when Vidar left on trips, 'escorting' her as she did laundry and other tasks outside, watching out for his rascal younger brother. Gigi and Skylar followed each other everywhere, and got into a million scrapes together. 

When Gigi got old enough he decided it was time to prove his manhood and do some sort of act of bravery. So he wandered out into the dark woods and met a witch. Luckily for him he didn't offend her in anyway. What he did do was talk her ear off and annoyed her so much she cursed him: silenced his tongue and turned him into the beast of his heart. The witch was not expecting the 'beast of his heart' to be a dragon but oh well humans are always slaying dragons. 

Gigi ran away terrified and ashamed. Woe! Cursed to be a beast of the earth! In his running back to his mother he frightened half the town and had to flee before they chased him with pitchforks. Skylar interrupted the chaos and recognized Gigi, saving him from the harassment.

The two of them bid farewell to their mother and set off to find the witch again and break the curse. But then they stepped into a faerie ring instead and everything kept going downhill until they were homeless wandering the streets and mortal enemies with an insane wizard. 

Fun facts:

• loves talking. loves communicating with people. loves to voice his thoughts. loves to hold a conversation. Will talk for hours on end will talk your ear off will talk and forget to breath

• obsessed with cheese. can't live with out it. would drink it. full of cheese and love

• also hunts for sport

• would eat literally anything. given his dragon mouth and being fireproof he loves to eat lava

• makes NoisesTM. strange little screeches

• either Intense facial expressions or blank

• learns sign so he can talk to people

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