Palicia Prima Coulra



8 months, 24 days ago


A Clown Deity who's going through IT right now and drowns her sorrows in whatever. Apparently just called "Goofy Juice" but it's really wine and she is running OUT.

At first she was a Party God who rivaled Bacchus in the good party fun times and sought to spread her eternal party to OTHER REALMS! So she had the Party Empire made! A mobile Fortress with one Mission. To Unify ALL of existence in a never ending party!

Her partner at the time had other plans for the Empire. He wanted the empire to RULE existence and behind Palicias back he made modifications to the Empire and attempted to kill her. That failed cause she's basically a rubber hose cartoon and still a god so she slew her partner right back and had the sneakily modified empire destroyed.

And then the drinking started and the Party Zone went into some dark DAAAAARK times. Turns out getting stabbed by somebody you trusted does a number on ones overall mood

- "Goofy Juice" can be anything.

- she also doesn't get drunk. she drinks more for the burn then for the buzz.

- can inflate parts of her body to CARTOONISH DEGREES. seriously she can give Luffy a run for his money.

- two words: Dark Humor

- she's actually a pretty decent woman if you get to know her.


Her design was thought up during a heightened listening session of Culture Beats Crying in the Rain