
Anybody Else

"Boo !"

level: 350
nickname: The midnight ghost
height: 175cm
gender: male (he/him)
species: fox
orientation: pansexual
spirit rank: Werefox
occupation: Member of Deadless

He's a member of Deadless, he's in charge of finding or spying on people.

He used to be in a gang in Moonglow that got dismantle, he soon met Orbor who offered him to join Deadless.


He's a bit of a player, he doesn't care about how his actions can have consequences or affect others in the future. He carelessly lives from day to day without a single worry. What a dream.

He's pretty enthusiastic and outgoing, he loves going to big parties and flirting. He'll often go with Orbor, as they're best friends.


  • Fights and competitions (he always cheats)
  • Halloween and horror movies
  • Crepe, spicy stuff and blueberries
  • Big parties
  • Flirting
  • Cats (he has one called GraveDigger)
  • Walking in the city
  • Silver (he can't touch it)
  • Losing at games or bets
  • Sour stuff, blue cheese and broccoli
  • Being bored or doing nothing
  • Paperwork
  • Extra work
  • Asking for help

  • His job is more a hobby than something really important which infuriate Narkis who reproaches his lack of professionalism and care. Yet, Ghost's skills are still enough to get the job somehow nicely done.
  • He can somewhat be a bit naive and hopeful regarding certain things. He dreams of a luxurious life where he'd be surrounded by lovers and money.
  • He's not heartless but his empathy level is sometimes concerning. Orbor often try to make him understand the fragile beauty and importance of life. Ghost doesn't quite understand the concept yet.
Design Notes

  • Lots of piercings
  • Has 2 dark crosses on each hands
  • And 2 blue crosses on each feet
  • His under hair is blue
  • His rib cage markings aren't optional
  • 4 cream crosses on his neck

He has a nice and pretty sweet voice full of energy with some hints of mockery sometimes.

They smell like nothing tho, no perfume no scent. It guess it's practical when you're spying on someone.


Fantom :

Can make himself invisible for 5 minutes.


Can create imaginary lines that can slice in an instant (needs his scissors, 25 lines max.)

Lazuli ossa

Can break his bones and heal them in an instant (requires a lot of energy, only works on him)


Luskirius Crush

He has a massive crush on Luskirius, it all began during a mission where he was tasked to spy on the Oblivion gang (drugs). When he first layed his eyes on her it was an instant crush, like if cupid had decided to shoot an arrow right into his heart.From now, every time Narkis task them to spy on Oblivion, he gets all excited and volunteer for the mission. He barely ever spoke to her, only sometimes if he sees her in a meeting involving all the gangs in Eyes. As for Luskirius, well she can't even remember his name, she calls him the "ghost looking blue man". He doesn't care, he'll never give up.

Name relation

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Duis porta eros et velit blandit dapibus. Curabitur ac finibus eros. Duis placerat velit vitae massa sodales, eget mattis nibh pellentesque.

Name relation

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Duis sollicitudin elit sed tellus blandit viverra sed eget odio. Donec accumsan tempor lacus, et venenatis elit feugiat non. Duis porta eros et velit blandit dapibus. Curabitur ac finibus eros. Duis placerat velit vitae massa sodales, eget mattis nibh pellentesque.