


8 months, 13 days ago






Halloween Spirit

"Trick or Treat! Twitch or Creep! Give me all you've got."

Name: Haven Yungblood

Age: Appears 25/26

Creation date: Oct 1, 2023

Nationality: European

Gender/Pronouns: Female, she/her

Orientation: Straight

Height/Weight: 5'6, 140 lbs

Bio: Born from the ancient incantations of a coven of powerful witches on a moonlit October First, Haven came into existence in the spirit realm, teeming with mischief and magic. She traverses between the human realm and spirit realm starting in August and ending near middle November. She mostly seeks to ensure that the spirit of Halloween endures, preserving the ancient traditions and magical energies that have made the holiday so enchanting. She loves to scare others and collect the candy they drop. With the aid of the lantern tied to her tail, Haven guides lost and wandering souls to find their way to the afterlife, ensuring they don't become restless spirits themselves. She offers comfort to the departed during the Halloween season. Haven is a master storyteller, regaling listeners with tales of ancient dragons, haunted places, and the origins of Halloween traditions. She often weaves enchanting stories around bonfires on chilly autumn evenings or as she is guiding the spirits, much like a tour guide. She ate so many pillsbury pumpkin cookies that her eye turned into a pumpkin.

Personality: Haven is drawn to the festivities of Halloween, reveling in the joy of costume parties, pumpkin carving, and trick-or-treating, often taking on a human guise to join in the celebrations. She might change the colors of leaves or make eerie sounds in the night to keep the holiday's spooky spirit alive. She has a strong sense of duty as a ferryman to the afterlife. She's fiercely dedicated to preserving Halloween's magic and traditions, and she takes her job seriously. Haven can't resist playing pranks and tricks on those who underestimate the supernatural aspects of Halloween. Her playful nature adds a layer of unpredictability to her character. Her playful nature can sometimes turn into a mischievous streak, which might lead to unforeseen consequences. She occasionally struggles to strike a balance between her duty as a spirit guide and her desire for amusement. There's a lingering fear within Haven that as Halloween traditions evolve and modernize, her role and relevance may diminish over time. This fear can lead to moments of uncertainty and self-doubt.

Personality type: Hiyakasudere, loves to tease others

Facts: Haven has a sweet tooth for mostly hard candy. Haven has a special affinity for haunted places. She often acts as a guardian of these locations throughout the year, ensuring that their spectral residents are at peace and the eerie atmosphere remains intact. Despite her role as a storyteller, Haven adores hearing ghost stories from humans. She finds inspiration in these tales and often incorporates them into her own narratives to keep the Halloween spirit alive. Her hoard consists of cute, rare, unique, or otherwise interesting candy wrappers. She has arachnophobia.

Likes: Telling stories, scaring people, helping spirits, tattered clothing, cheap looking halloween decorations, halloween DIYs, lanterns, pillbury pumpkin cookies, cauldron-brewed tea, funky drinks, autumn leaves, empty streets.

Dislikes: disrespect for halloween, those who don't dress up for halloween but trick-or-treat anyway, curfews, tresspassers, vandals, people who break promises, customer service.

Details: Her horns are made of bone. Her dangly earring is a spider. Pieces of candy float around her shoulders and two are stuck in her hair.

