


8 months, 6 days ago

Basic Info


FungalWing, he/him

Full name: Aspergillus. Nicknames: Aspergil, Gilly

A scientist brought up by his very infamous parents living right outside of the Great Mushroom, one specifically focusing on a main cure for the Miasma. Hearing stories of the great Liminal Deity and their historical claims, along with his parent's successes and their own studies becoming popular with his father's travels to the Great Mushroom and his mother's highly respected work. Asper had a lot on his shoulders- but a lot of inspiration and determination. He grew fascinated and decided to join his parents, becoming a pathologist with them but having a very strong focus on the Miasma. While there were methods to remove it and keep it mostly under control, Asper was determined to put a full end to it in order to search the ruins around their kingdom, wanting to learn more about what they hold and how the Miasma truly works.

Asper is still dedicated to his work, but his father has been drifting in his studies and becoming more lax, while his mother quietly tries to desway her son from pursuing such a dangerous disease. But Asper remains resilient; he may not be super strong physically and a bit socially anxious, but he is also one of the most stubborn dragons that other's have known, insisting he wants to continue his path. He continues on now, wanting to study the Miasma more and truly figure out a lifelong cure for it while also desiring a pursuit for what the ruins have in store.

The ruins stories were inspired by his grandmother, a traveler constantly making tablets and books based off her findings and what she's heard. She tells him all she can before she knows her time comes to end, which is also how he hears about the stories he also gives to a creature near a cave system- one she vows holds great promise and a lot of answers if Asper dares to look... And perhaps he does.


BACKSTORY: Asper grows up with a wealthy scientific family near the Great Mushroom but not inside the town, his parents renowned scientists and his father especially being regarded highly due to his brief time in the Great Mushroom. Asper grows up with Wither and Ghaster, being good friends with both of them until Ghaster starts to get a bit too obsessed and intense with his studies, steering Asper and Wither away earlier on. The two grow very close as a result, pursuing all of their studies together and especially having a focus on the Liminal Deity, something that Wither really enjoys and wants to learn more about. They remain by each other's side, Asper knowing he was falling in love with his friend, but they're unable to pursue anything further as Wither suddenly disappears one day without a trace, Asper surprised he didn't know anything but despairing over his disappearance out of the blue. He stops pursuing the Liminal Deity studies without him despite Ghaster's earnest pushing for it, instead leaning more towards finding a solid cure for the Miasma and a way to purify it so they can study more ruins and Guardians. It's mostly his own independent study, as his father starts to run a little crazy with his experience in the Great Mushroom, but it doesn't deter Asper as he promises to bring honor to his parent's names again with his studies.

CAVERNS BELOW: Asper takes the step to go do his own independent studies, but Ghaster joins him for the first portion as he tries to get Asper to join with him again, promising wealthy studies and being popular if they finally go pursue the Liminal Deity together. Asper finally denies him even more sternly, taking a separate route from him and fleeing. During this, however, he stumbles and falls into the cave system of Usnea, also meeting Muu who happened to be in the same caves as well. He's confused and disoriented, trying to figure out everything going on, but he does harbor some curiosity as he sees Usnea's appearance and wonders if it's the same dragon his grandmother talked about, following her into the cave system. They all bond fairly well, enough for Muu to ask if Usnea and Asper want to join her on further adventures. Asper agrees, still pursuing his mission of finding more out about the Miasma, but Usnea takes a bit more convincing until they're able to go down to the South Mycelinae Forest, exploring a few of the towns before they end up in Woods' club, Asper very overwhelmed by it all until he runs into Ghaster again, pissed and trying to tell him off. Instead, however, Ghaster threatens him and tells him that with Woods' riches as his business partner, he'll be able pursue what he desires and be even more powerful, trying to invite Asper with them one last time. He firmly denies them, Ghaster chuckling and making an off comment about Wither before letting Asper go, leaving him much more upset and denying anything when Muu tries to comfort him. Usnea, however, is more upset and overstimulated from it all, escaping down her cave system and Muu chasing after her with Asper following behind. They go too deep, however, and run into the Ruins that Usnea was hiding from them, encountering Stronghold the Guardian and having to escape from him when it chases them down. They do escape, but Asper is very upset and yells at Usnea from hiding it from them. Usnea snaps back at him, sending him out of her caves, and he leaves much more upset than before. Muu tries to comfort him once again, but he snaps at her and decides to head home, bitter about everything still.