
8 months, 24 days ago

Basic Info


FungalWing, she/her

A FungalWing who is very family-oriented and lives up on top of the mountains in the rare chances of open plains with her family's auroch farm. She's grown up with her wide range of siblings, landing somewhere in the middle amongst her siblings, cousins, and many other family members. She loves it though; it's all a family business, as they are all a part of the Cheesemonger Guild and are now growing very popular for being one of the first families and one of the only known ranches to properly host auroches. They do have some goats as well, but Muu and her family are inspired to keep trying to domesticate auroches. 

Muu loves spending time with the animals and with her family, as well as participating in the Cheesemonger events. She really loves the cheesewheel competition that comes into play with rolling the cheese, having scored some records in her time. She's a very cheerful dragon and loves the world around her, being very optimistic and enjoying where her life is. 

Though she admittedly does get a bit too curious when she hears about the cave beast in the lower caverns below, not having a lot of friends or anyone coming by. She really wants to make friends with her, but has only really seen her from a distance so far... And she's a bit nervous about what she saw. Both anxious and oddly... Admiring her. Maybe she likes the moss and lichen on her. And finds her pretty. But she gets a bit too flustered to really tell anyone that.

One of her very signature skills she takes pride in is being able to copy any sort of animal noise, specifically the cow's baying similar to auroches and birdsong, along with goat bleats. She prides herself in it, using it to help soothe dragons or pull small harmless pranks if she wants.


BACKSTORY: Muu was born into a very big but loving family that remains renowed in the Cheesemonger Guild, having star auroches and goats that produce great goat cheese and dairy products that they make their livings off of. Muu is an avid competitor in the Cheesemonger activities during their festivals, living a happy life with her siblings and cousins in their family business. As she gets older, however, she realizes how small she feels and doesn't really feel like her own dragon, only being one of the herd. As much as she loves her family, she starts to feel sad and worries about who she is as a dragon, wanting to be more of her own instead of one with the others.

CAVERNS BELOW: Muu takes the step to go on her own as she tells her family that she'll be back and just wants to go exploring a bit, her family a bit dismissive but wishing her well. She starts her journey, but it's cut off as she falls into Usnea's cave system, dizzy and scared until Usnea comes to save her. She's grumpy, but Muu can't help but be fascinated by her as she asks many questions about who she is and what the cave system is. Usnea, however, denies it all and sends her on her way. Muu does head home that day again, leaving her alone, but promises to go back to figure more out the next day. She does go back, where she also meets Asper as he falls into the cave system. Usnea firmly tries to get them to leave, but Muu begs to see more of the cave, Asper hesitantly curious as well. Usnea doesn't seem happy, but she eventually guides them around a few of the caves. Muu is very fascinated by it all, praising Usnea and getting to bond with her a little bit. The bonding encourages her to invite her to leave the caves and go on an adventure, Usnea hesitant but eventually agreeing. They head down to the South Mycelinae Forest towns, Muu having a great time until they end up in Woods' club, seeing all of the glowing lamps and listening to his business pitch when Muu talks a little about Usnea's caves. Usnea gets upset, Muu able to deflect Woods off to get them out. She sees Asper talking to Ghaster, seeing how upset he is, but he doesn't talk about it much and only says it's an old friend he used to know. As they get back to Usnea's home, however, she reveals how upset she was and how stressful it all was, now firmly trying to push Muu and Asper out of the caves. Muu follows her when she flees, Asper chasing after them, but they end up down in the ruins that they didn't know were there, and have to run away from Stronghold, the Colossal Guardian living within the ruins. They manage to escape, but Asper yells at Usnea and is upset with her hiding the ruins from them. Usnea snaps back at him, Muu overwhelmed and upset by everything as she eventually leaves the caves with Asper, Asper unable to hide his frustrations when they leave. Muu tries to console him, but he snaps at her too and heads back to his home, Muu sad before she heads home as well.