Lily's Comments

hey!! i was looking for info relating to them about being ufo but i didnt see anything. i was wondering what youre looking for for em?? ^^

hi! im taking art/character offers. A bit tent

okay!! i could offer two fulls and a coloured sketch halfbody (examples here) or youre free to look through my th ^^ only off limits 100% are truesonas, lupi (hes in primary sonas), and comfort sonas ^^ no pressure if my offer doesnt interest you ofc :) its a lovely design, i totally get it lol

hi! Im quite interested but let me show you the characters id primarily want art of:
In order of preference
-Vasa or Freis
- anyone else here (Folder)

just want to make sure youd be fine with any of these, I dont mind which youd do or for what (fullbody/halfbody) or posing
lemme know

oooo okay! i could probably do vasa and freis interacting with the fullbodies since it seems like theyre related story-wise, and i could do sleet for the halfbody if thats ok with you! if you have any notes youd like to add or if youre against the idea just lmk ^^ they definitely would be more toony than some of the other artworks though lol ^^’

that would be awesome! and all good for the styles and characters
freis and vasa are going through some redesigns rn
freis current design: 78862696_yZlB1i5YDgMQJFO.jpg

Vasas current design: (her wings are bigger and shes got earrings:


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