
5 years, 11 months ago

Basic Info

Price Worth



Name: Cave
Nickname: Cav
Age: ???
Birthday: June 6
Zodiac: Gemini
Species: Wolf/dog/demon
Race: demon?
Sex: Male?
Gender: Male?

Face Claim: ???
Height: 5'5"
Weight: 185
Body Shape: Skinny, little muscle
Muscle Tone: (I don't know)
Hair Color: Black and White
Hair Texture: soft
Hair Length: short
Hair Style(s): messy
Eye Color: grey
Eye Shape: normal dog eye shape
Pupil Shape: any shape
Eyelid: red
Nose: K9 nose
Face Shape: fit k9 face
Facial Markings: (don't know how to explain)
Scars: none
Skin Tone: Abnormal colors
Skin Texture/Condition: soft fur
Clothing Style: Bad boy style

General Health
Dominant Hand: Right
Blood Type: B
BMI: ?
Sensory Deficiencies: ?
Handicaps: none
Behavioral Issues: anger issues
Terminal Illnesses: none
Mental Illnesses: not ok in the head sometimes
Constitution: ?
Immunities: (don't know yet)
Allergies: none
Medications: none
Addictions: smoking
Rehabilitation: none
Other Treatment Forms: none
Pain Tolerance: doesn't feel pain
Trauma: none
Diet: none
Activity Level: ??
Universe: Hell
World/Planet: Hell
Country/Nation: any where that has caves
City/Tribe: alone
Other Affiliations: Hell
School/Workplace: nope
Languages Spoken: all languages
Religion: doesn't have one
Address: Venus Ln, 28553
Phone Number: 666-666-6666
Other Contact Forms:  none
Rank or Class: none

Personality: Dark, mysterious, kind of a introvert, kind of quiet.
Myers Briggs: ??
Essence: ???
Aesthetic: death
Personal Motif:
Family: (hast been created)
Family Relations: Father, mother
Sexuality: straight
Romantic Interests: outgoing, adorable, kind of childish, cares about anyone they meet
Relationship Status: single
Hobbies and Interests: watching others suffer, causing bad luck, fighting to the death
Pet Peeves: (trying to think of some)
Turn Ons: doesn't have any
Turn Offs: doesn't have any

Excels In: Torture, fighting in the air
Struggles With: nothing
Educational Level: doesn't have one
Work Experience: caused thousands of ppl to kill them selves
Specialization: Anything that causes hell to others
Hidden Talents: can hide his feeling very well
Incapabilities: none
Sports: none
Weapons: demon powers, claws, and teeth,

Likes and Dislikes
Favorite Color: Black
Least Favorite Color: Pink
Favorite Food: Any kind of meat
Least Favorite Food: vegetables
Favorite Literary Genre: none
Least Favorite Literary Genre: all
Favorite Musical Genre: Rock, Punk Rock, Hard Rock, Alternative Rock, Emo, Post-Hardcore, electric
Least Favorite Musical Genre: Classical
Favorite Material: Burlap
Least Favorite Material: doesn't have one
Favorite Print: doesn't have one
Least Favorite Print: doesn't have one
Favorite Brand: doesn't have one
Least Favorite Brand: doesn't have one