Sagji Storia



8 months, 5 days ago


  • Age: 26
  • Race: Human Waypoint
  • Origin: 11th Minor Town
  • Occupation: Waypoint (formerly) None (current)
  • Affiliation: None
  • Height: 167cm
  • Birthday: September 7th
  • Hobbies: No time for them (Wood carving, writing, freeform dancing)
  • Likes: warm places
  • Dislikes: The Firtayask, cold places
  • Fragment colour: bright purple
  • Weapon: Herself
  • Battle image: fast. Every non melee attack costs health and meter, but they are very strong. Calls to stay away. Creates spear-like weapons from crystals on her body. Similar to UNI’s Carmine.

    A former human weapon who desires her own freedom. She has run away from those who used her and now wishes for revenge against them all.

    26 years ago, Sagji was born under a different name now lost to time in the 11th Minor Town. When she was 9 years old, a great tragedy struck her hometown, and she was forever separated from her family that now resided in the afterlife. She was taken in by the Firtayask in order to heal her wounds but was experimented on and was fused with the remains of the very Purple Gem that destroyed the only place she could call home in order to become a Waypoint. After years have passed, Sagji finally got sick of her treatment, being used only as a tool to locate Fragments. And so, she ran away and a bounty was placed on her head. A short while after escaping, a Firtayask Scout went after her, which she discovered was an old friend of hers back from the 11th Minor Town. The two stopped the fighting after a little bit and teamed up to take down Firtayask themselves.