
8 months, 23 days ago

Basic Info

Full Name

Adrien Budday




Male (He/Him)


6' 5"




Bud originally comes from mainland Themenia. Being obsessed with the unique culture and lifestyle of Sakura, this otaku jock did not hesitate to travel there when he became an adult. Wanting to find a unique souvenir to bring back home, he searches around Sakura's outskirts, looking for something he can't find in a common gift shop.

He got a unique sense of culture shock by running into all kinds of yokai, mainly tsukumogami he has mistaken for antiques. In fact, some ittan-momen have wrapped around his body, almost choking him out. Despite Bud being saved from their grip by a mysterious ninja, and letting them roam free after the misunderstanding, the bandages still held their grip on Bud. As much as they hated each other, Bud was stuck with them interfering with his daily life whenever they feel like it.

Pure Strength: He can hit hard thanks to his years of working out for that "Anime Protagonist" shape, but because of the cursed bandages, his punches are misdirected or his arms get painfully squeezed in retaliation. Most of the time this only happens when he's about to hit something or someone the bandages don't want hurt.

Binding Bandages: The cursed ittan-momen wrapped around his body often cause hindrance for Bud, towing him around at unideal moments, or squeezing him too tightly for attention. The bandages themselves aren't all that bad, though. They swiftly cover up Bud's bruises as they happen, and when they want something hit, they don't restrain his arms letting him hit w/ full force, or adjust his aim for a surefire hit. He also uses them like a grappling rope, when they allow him to at least.