


8 months, 22 days ago

Basic Info


Male (He/Him)




6' 2"




Tetsune is a boy born as part fox. His mother was believed to a very powerful kitsune, but nothing detailed is known about his parents. Tetsune has the grand goal of bringing yokai out of hiding from humans, but his methods are greatly misguided.

Tetsune appears quite charismatic and noble on the surface, always having a sense of calmness in his mannerisms. However, he hides a very sadistic side that only rears it's ugly face when he encounters a human or any opposition. He has a strong hatred of humans developed from trauma, believing all they do is act hostile towards anything yokai. Even humans turned yokai leave him with skepticism and disgust.
He will delight in bringing someone he despises to a mental breaking point, and gladly laugh at their strife! In his mind, they're feeling the pain he has felt for over 10 years, and to him, they deserve to suffer the same way he did! If he encounters any yokai, he's not as sadistic towards them - as long as they tolerate his way of thinking...
This dangerous and narrow-minded thinking is also his biggest flaw! He'll make a sizable attempt to block out any reasonable counterclaim to his actions, believing his way of thinking is the objective truth.


Careful Claws: Compared to other yokai, Tetsune doesn't have as much brute strength, but he makes up for that with his intelligence and precision with his claws. He can be strong enough with his slashes to cut out chunks of trees with a single swipe, but delicate enough to carefully carve out their bark without error.
Shapeshifting: Tetsune can morph into inanimate objects with ease. All it takes is a memorized full view of the object in question from all angles. He can also take the shape of other living things, but with one of his three tails cut off in a battle, he needs a significant part of their body to take the shape. He goes with the torn off faces of humans to do so.
Slick Talking: Tetsune will use whatever knowledge he has gathered on his opponent or their species to prey on their insecurities, wearing them down mentally, before landing a finishing blow, or even letting the victim put themselves out of their misery. If he sees another yokai, he'll use his charisma to convince them to join his side against the humans. If they refuse, he'll kill them all the same.
Feral Mode: If prodded too much, he'll lash out and enter a frenzied state. While his speed is greater, and there's a bit more power in his slashes, he's a lot more sloppy in his attacks.