The Shepherd - Homestuck OC



Name: Andery Kadzik (post-scratch)
Ancestor title: The Shepherd
Pre-scratch self: Andery Kadzik
Descendant: Adreen Kadzik

Age: N/A, younger adult
Gender & pronouns: trans male, he/him (still transitioning)
Typing quirk: replaces ‘a’ with ‘@‘

Blood colour: Rust
Lunar Sway: Derse
Aspect: Rage
True Sign: Ariborn
Class: Prince of Rage
Weapon: Shepherd staff- staffkind

Relations: Dualscar - secret matesprit, young ghost of Meenah Peixes (The Condesce) - ‘caretaker’, rest are TBA

Ordinarily, Meenah would not have attached herself so closely to a rust blood. However, Andery is the only troll who is able to see and communicate with her. He ended up taking on a more lusus-like role (aka parental figure) with Meenah, as she is only about 7 years old in human years. Meenah was murdered at around 3 sweeps old by Midusa Neroda’s post-scratch version when Midusa was about 5 sweeps old as Meenah had been appointed the primary heiress, despite being younger than Midusa, due to being a true sign and the potential she had as a result of that. 

Just over 2 decades of sweeps had occurred by the time Andery was born, and later, when he was 7 sweeps old, found Meenah. Meenah hadn’t expected Andery to discover her, and she didn’t like him at all for a while simply because he was a rust blood. But she eventually grew attached to him and would later assist in the brewing rebellion against Midusa… and also, around the same time, interject her distaste towards Dualscar any time Dualscar wanted to talk to Andery. She often attempted to push him away, or intervene in his and Andery’s interactions. However, one day she stopped when she stumbled across Dualscar and Andery having a one to one conversation; a heart to heart. They weren’t aware she was there, but she managed to listen in.
”wait wait- okay. So- you’re asking my opinion on the caste system in regards to quadrants…?”
“Yes, that is exactly what I’m asking.”
”well, I think it’s bullshit.”
”you do?”
”I’m a rust blood, it’s literally pitted against me in every context. Midbloods can’t date us, highbloods certainly can’t date us. We’re stuck with people of our own grouping. Rust, Bronze, and Gold. I mean- we would have lime, but they’re near extinction at this point. But shit! At least bronze and gold bloods can date mid and low bloods! I mean- I know Violet and purple bloods can’t date mid bloods, but high bloods include teal, blue, indigo, purple, and violet! That’s 5 whole blood colours you guys can date within! Us rust bloods? Well shit. You don’t like a single rust, bronze, or gold blood? Or you haven’t met one you like? Ha! Just go fuck yourself I guess!”
”I mean- would you… I mean- totally hypothetically! But if those rules weren’t- in place… would you date a mid blood or high blood if you like them?”
”If they’re not a total douche bag,” Andery chuckled, “why do you ask?”
”I- uh- well- no reason in particular…”
”Spit it out. Don’t look at me like that- Cronus, just. Alright- look at me, but not anxiously or like you want to run away and hide.”
“But what if I do want to run away and hide…”
”I can’t see any reason you would want to do that.”
”Maybe…” Meenah noticed him look around but paused and sighed, “I can’t see her regardless of whether she’s here or not, so I don’t know why I looked.”
“What? Meenah’s the reason you’re weirdly nervous?” Andery laughed softly.
”No? I just… don’t want her to drop kick me.” Cronus grumbled.
”Drop kick you for what? Having flushed feelings for me?” Andery laughed, since he said it as a joke, but stopped when Cronus froze up. “Oh… oh! Shit- I uh…” Andery laughed nervously and rubbed his face, curling up.
”No- it’s… it’s fine… I wasn’t being subtle… your face is bright red.”
“and yours is bright purple.”
”I’m a Violet blood! Not a purple blood…”
”Speaking of purple bloods, you knew Grand Highblood, right?”
”What was he like?”
”I…” Dualscar sighed heavily, “violent… and scary. But that’s… besides the point…”
”for what?”
”I don’t deal well with… okay, I haven’t been dealing well with my own flushed feelings. After that fight, I thought I would have had black feelings… but no, it was red instead. Plus, you already have a kismesis; that bastard, Megdon… I thought I could ignore my own flushed feelings since you were a Violet blood! And I’m just a rust blood! The lowest of the low… But then you just confirmed you have- or at least I think you just confirmed you have red feelings for me! And it stressed me out! Because we’re two completely different ends of the hemospectrum! Like the completely opposite sides! We’re not meant to… we’re not supposed to…”
”Stop. Just… stop talking like that.”
Meenah quickly left and didn’t hear the rest, plus she didn’t think she would want to either. However, she did see Dualscar and Andery particularly close afterwards… and even managed to sneak a peak at them having some alone time. So maybe Dualscar wasn’t too bad… she guessed…