


8 months, 25 days ago


Ghostvoice is a proud tom who although is loyal to his clan, has a rocky relationship with starclan. Ghostvoice is normally calm, speaking softly and slowly and always thinking. But at the same time he has a short fuse and hostile confrontation can lead to a violent outburst from him Ghostvoice was born into a small group of rouge cats that lived deep in a cave. There he lived with his mother Ember, his father Loki, and his siblings Wisp, Bird, and Turtle. At the time, Ghostvoice was just Ghost, the largest kit in his litter with Wisp being the runt. As a kit he was always trying to improve himself, chasing around his siblings and hunting bugs to prove he was the best. His parents never seemed to have time to play with them, always hunting for food or fighting off rouges or any animals that wanted the cave for themselves. And so Ghost would learn by himself, how to hunt and fight by interacting with his siblings, even leaping to catch the ocasinal stray bat that flew into the cave. Once old enough, Ghost and his siblings started to notice that their parents had more and more wounds on them each passing moon, eventually Loki didnt return. Ghost never really knew why, but during the day while they slept he could hear his mother cursing twolegs and whatever horrid creature made them. Ember started to leave the cave less and less after that. Soon enough the now adolescent litter were starting to get antsy, they only lived on whatever found they could catch and most of it went to feeding Amber to keep her alive. One day, desperate for food Ghostvoice left the cave for the first time, wondering blindly into a storm. Ghost had ended up passing out during the storm, and when he awoke he was far from his cave, and unaware of where he was. He soon started to live as a loner, hunting for himself and even making a den hidden in a bramble bush. He kept to his nocternal lifestyle, because he spent his entire life till this point in a dark cave, his eyes were sensitive to light. After a few moons of this lifestyle he comes across a small group of cats, claiming to be a part of a clan. After a while of talking the patrol offers to take him to Shadowclan, where he soon joins as a hard-working warrior.