
8 months, 17 days ago



Ena The Infinite Goddess



AGE 15

BIRTHDAY September 8th




JOB Prophet

ORIENTATION Heterosexual

ALIGNMENT Neutral Good


Ena is the child goddess of one of the remaining Draum communities in the world. As a Draum, she shocks the community for her natural ability to dream, as well as their prophetic visions, as all of their kind is incapable of such an action. This has led to her late father, Sitri, being in charge of Asphodel Meadows and passing on his authority onto his daughter. She holds an isolationist view on the world, similarly as her father, but is optimistic of potentially opening up borders to the rest of the world. This was amplified by prophesizing her encounter with Shadrack and the dramatic changes to their village. At the moment, she is being bossed around by the adults who believe to be smarter than her, while also dealing with the burdens of being seen has a goddess to her people in the middle of a crisis of the Soiree. Ena wishes she can just be a teenage at times, but she keeps her head up high.


Ena is firstly to be praised for her dutiful nature. She shows an incredible amount of responsibility and maturity for her age, which she showcases in restraint when dealing with adults. She speaks with confidence and holds herself to be a dedicated leader towards her people. One could easily mistake Ena for being much older than she seems with how wise she ends up looking from her prophecies and worldviews. Ever since her father's death, Ena has displayed signs of isolationism, believing that the downfall of her village will come from the outside world. This has resulted her in closing off herself and her people from the outside. Despite her wisdom, she can get rather rebellious from all this responsbility on her shoulders; she views this dichotomy to be exhausting at times and attempts to escape at times. She sometimes desires to be alone and fears interaction with anybody since she can never tell if they want her for power or fear her goddess-like powers. At the end of the day, Ena is just a teenager and wants to experience life as a teenage girl.

  • Strawberry Milk
  • Her Family
  • Flower Crowns
  • Being Lazy
  • Being Alone
  • Pumpkin
  • Shoes
  • Being Worshipped

The Prophet

Ena was the result of a forbidden affair between the Draum village leader and a secluded witch doctor. At first, her father Sitri had reservations of having a child at such a young age, but once he learned of his daughter's magic potential, he took her from Hypris. He staged the witch doctor as being an evil force in league with the Nightmares and paraded her daughter as being birth from the heavens. Her dream abilities solidified her position as a Draum goddess, but generally kept her under the wraps of her own father.

Growing up, Ena followed the orders and beliefs of Sitri. She was trained to hone her powers, while also feeding the village council information on any prophetic dreams of interest. It wasn't until a young Ena learned about a fated encounter of an outsider: Shadrack, who would change the destiny of Asphodel Meadows. She spent her childhood being revered by the people and also feared for her own powers.

Pondside Outsider

On the fated day, Ena snuck out of the village to seek out the promised outsider. She met the hunter seen in her dreams at a nearby pond and soon invited him to stay in Asphodel. Despite the village's apprehension, Ena vouched for the man to stay and keep her safe from her own doom. With their combined strength, Shadrack and Ena staved off attacks from both Nightmares and outside forces while they both bond over their struggles. They even found her mother in solitude, inviting her to return to the village that ostracized her. Tensions between everyone boiled over into a catastrophe of Nightmare essence from Sitri, killing him in the process.

Isolationist's Goddess

Ever since Sitri's death, Ena has spent her adolescence guiding Shadrack as the new village leader. She continues to grant dream prophecies, yet feels a deep reticence now. She misses the days of lacking responsibility and also the imbalances of her power over other people. The townspeople treats her on extreme sides of the spectrum and has isolated her from the rest of the world aside from her family. And now that she's produced dreams of her death once more from thr Obelisks, Ena is on high alert from any intruders.

  • Ena controls her very own Fantasia, which is named Aristarchus (lovingly nicknamed Aris). it's in the shape of a planetarium, potentially expanding and engulfing an entire country if Ena is distressed enough
  • Likes to hide at a nearby pond when she gets overwhelmed
  • All of her childhood education came from Ahra, specifically catered by her father
  • Encountered multiple wandering merchants throughout her childhood, which allowed her to taste strawberry milk for the first time. Whenever she can find a merchant, she'll give them a fortune in exchange for a small gift
  • Could get good at magic if she trained in it; currently has a lot of uncontrolled potential
  • Is somewhat afraid of getting into relationships. Ena feels as though boys will either be paired in order to boost their reputations or that they would be too afraid of her authority over them. She understands that she has a heavy duty to continue her family line, but is uncertain on how to go about getting in a relationship that is mutually fulfilling and equal
  • Ena is a proud owner of a dream sheep, named Baabara and personally overlooks the Livestock Committee ever since the outside world decimated the species' population for commercial use. Has closed off the borders and deemed it near impossible to access dream wool

ABOUT: Sitri

Ena's father. Sitri viewed Ena somewhat as a pawn for his political power, but cares deeply for his daughter. He initially had reservations on keeping his daughter due to his age, but decided to be her father out of obligation and power. Carefully crafted her education and schedules to keep her in his paws. Ena, despite this, continues to care for her father and even shares his views on life and the outside world.

ABOUT: Hypris

Ena's mother. Ena has always wished to seek out her mother, and none of her dreams gave her an idea of where she could be. When Hypris discovered her daughter was still alive, the two fervently tried to reconnected, despite Sitri's disapproval. Ena finds her mother to be quite quirker and yet respects her powers and enthusiasm for the magical endeavors.

ABOUT: Shadrack Engel

Ena's adopted father. He was the man she saw in her dreams, kick-starting the prophecy that an outsider would bring about wild change in Asphodel Meadows. He is also the one tasked to keep the young goddess safe from her supposed death, which allowed him to receive praise in the community. Shadrack is one of the only people who understands her and respects her autonomy as a young girl; they deeply love each other.

ABOUT: Daein

Ena's adopted brother. He is especially protective of Ena, acting as her personal guardian. On the other hand, Ena feels as though Daein is too stiff and wishes he would let his guard down at times. The two share a silly sibling relationship, which has waned ever since Sitri's death. Despite this, Ena watches over him carefully and prays for his safety.


Ena's mentor and spirutual grandmother. Ena finds her to be frightening at times due to Ahra's strict nature. She sometimes like to defy her as a child, which only fuels the rebellious nature inside of her. Ahra and Ena continue to share a respectful relationship, especially after Ena gained the role of being the village chief.

ABOUT: Rubedo

Ena's ally and friend. A fellow student in magic under Hypris. She feels as though Rubedo is too jumpy for her own good, sometimes providing assistance in their studies. Visits Rubedo quite often for aid and a quick chat if she wants to be away from prying eyes of the village.